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Squatter's Shack Interior

polycounter lvl 3
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JabacOrdof polycounter lvl 3
Hey Everyone!

It's been a while, but I just wrapped up a new interior and would love to see where I can improve.  Thanks a lot in advance everyone!

Based (with creative license) off of this concept (not credited to me)

-Eric Kilkenny


  • radumitroi
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    radumitroi polycounter lvl 9
    The first thing that I noticed is that the scale is not right. The ceiling is too low and the door is too wide. I also think that the planks from the floor look too big, but the ones from the concept are also quite big, so I don't know about that. If it were me, I would scale them down a little.
    I took your picture and I just strached it a bit.

    The next thing I've noticed is the candles. Those on the floor are in very dark areas, however they are perfectly lit. That makes them look like they don't belong there. The same I can say about that text on the right wall.

    The focus point in your concept is the window, focus point which, in my opinion, is not in your environment. I would probably make the light from the window stronger, that way you'll have a stronger bloom which the eye will be drawn to, and it will also make your scene (which I think is too dark at the moment) a little brighter. I've done a little color correction to your image

  • JabacOrdof
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    JabacOrdof polycounter lvl 3
    That is a really good point, I'm glad you caught that because I completely missed it.  Alright, I made some adjustments based on the crits let me know if I'm heading in the right direction.  Thanks!

  • Mitchellangelo
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    Mitchellangelo polycounter lvl 7
    You're definitely in the right direction.  The candles look a lot better.  The only thing I would do is just maybe add a light key light in the room just so that you can still see what the room is filled with, without drawing attention away from the window.
  • JabacOrdof
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    JabacOrdof polycounter lvl 3
    That is one of the things I have been struggling with, so I will definitely do that next.  Thank you!
  • JabacOrdof
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    JabacOrdof polycounter lvl 3

    Alright I have attempted to address some more of the issues.  Anything else jump out to anyone?
  • Apocrs1980
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    Apocrs1980 polycounter lvl 4
    I think it looks awesome,  the only critique I would have is to the placement of the couch/loveseat, I am not aware of many folks that would pull it out into the center of the living space, typically they get pushed about 1/2 foot infront of the window, usually because there are heating vents infront of them.
     Looks amazing man great work!
  • JabacOrdof
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    JabacOrdof polycounter lvl 3
    Thank you Apocrs!  I can go in and see how it will look with the couch further away from the window.
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