Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Hello from a hopeful Computer Game Development graduate

Hi there, I've just submitted my final year project for my Computer Game Development Degree at Glyndwr University in Wrexham. I'm interested in becoming a 3D artist, as I picked up on modelling surprisingly quickly in my second year. Since then I've made a bunch of models, both of characters and environmental assets. As of right now, I choose to focus mainly on cartoony animated stuff rather than more realistic stuff. I feel under pressure when it comes to making realistic stuff as I feel I'm too inexperienced to really master the art, so aiming toward cartoon characters right now means a lot less pressure is put on me when it comes to creating what I create. That and I generally find myself becoming more inspired by cartoon art styles than any form of realism. I am hoping to someday be able to recreate classic Disney animated scenes in 3D CG, but as of right now I of course have a lot to work on. First of all allow me to show you guys the characters I created for my final year University project, I'm quite pleased with them but they still show my lack of experience.
 Water character
 Earth character
 Wind character
 Fire character

As you can see I'm all there with the art style stuff, its just the technicalities I need help with. First of all I badly need to improve my eye modelling, so I am able to make them more organic and less creepy Five Nights At Freddies-esque. Aside from that, I also need to work on animating the mouth, making the models generally smoother and more organic looking and finally I need to work on making proper hands rather than these finger-less ones. I hope you all like my work and it will be a pleasure to be part of this community. I'd be very grateful if anyone could direct me to where I might learn how to improve my modelling here, particularly with the eyes.


  • MrRstar
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    MrRstar polycounter lvl 7
    I think these are good starts but still need quite a bit of work.

    1.For me, the bodies feel quite plain. You've themed the colors you've used but if you were to turn them all black and white, and remove the heads, you wouldn't know what goes where.

    2.Also, they are quite blocky. There are lots of facets and sharp corners where organic things are generally rounded.

    Those two things bother me quite a bit more then your eyes do. in fact i like the material you've put on them. They do need a second pass.
  • AlexMagnei
    Yes, well those are all problems I am aiming to rectify, but personally the first thing I want to learn is to do the eyes properly. The other things will come with practice, the eyes I don't have a clue about. Anyone who can suggest tutorials for me to follow, I would appreciate it.
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