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Traditional clay sculpting and tuition

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Torch polycounter
Hi guys, I've been trying to recently get some spare time to work on some traditional figure sculpting and was wondering if anyone here with experience would be able to help. Firstly, I'm a total novice to traditional sculpting so have been looking for some tuition in regards to working on fundamentals. I do some drawing in my spare time but nothing to the point where I can say I have really solid skills in sketching, just more anatomical rough sketches, comic book art, etc.

Anyway, I've been looking at work by people like Jordu Schell, Glauco Longhi, Grassetti, etc. just trying to understand the basics - like how to build a maquette, types of clay to use, etc. I'm currently based in London and looking at courses here, but I'd also be open to studying pretty much anywhere (Europe, Canada, etc,) given the chance. I've heard good things about London Art Academy but wanted to get other people's opinions and what their experience studying a course on traditional sculpture was like (and where the course was based.) Link to the London Art academy course: http://artacademy.org.uk/portrait-figure/figure-sculpture-diploma/#tabgarb=tab1

Cheers :)


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