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After using decimation master, any way to get fairly clean uv islands w/nice borders?

polycounter lvl 20
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Kevin Albers polycounter lvl 20
For making complex organic rock formations and similar models, using decimation master in Zbrush can be quick and easy. However, this results in jagged topology and a lack of nice clean edge loops that can be used to split UVs into nice clean shells. Does anyone know of an easy approach to get better uv shell edges after decimating a model? Redoing topology using something like Quad Draw in Maya would be lots of work for the results, so something fairly quick would be preferable. Something like the ability to draw edge loops on the decimated model in Zbrush, and end up with magically re-topologized borders, would be great. Similar to the results of using ZRemesher just for UV island borders, while using decimation master for the other parts of the model.

Currently I'm creating polygroups using Group Masked and Group Visible, then using UV Master. This is quick, easy, and gives me shells that are usable, but the shells have really jagged borders that would be problematic during texturing.

Edit: Slice Curve Brush works fine for this.    Moderators- feel free to delete this post, unless you think people might want to look it up.
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