EDIT: Most recent image (so the preview image on the 3D showcase homepage isn't that eye-bleaching concept I did


Hey all!
Not sure if anyone remembers my "Next Gen Jak" thread from a few years ago (
http://polycount.com/discussion/148157/next-gen-jak-wip/p1)... well, I've decided to have another go, but in my own style now as opposed to trying to do Jak in a realistic style! So far, I have just sketched up his body and the layers of his clothing. I will be doing his design from the first game this time 'round. Here are my sketches next to a quick scale ref screengrab from my Daxter model:

This Jak will go with my Daxter model I made, which is here:

They will eventually be posed together... perhaps on the hoverbike like the image below, but we will see!

Now, I've been pretty busy so this won't be a quick thread but if anyone fancies chiming in whenever, feel free!

Got the body and face pretty much done (he's a little too ripped really. found out he's meant to be 15 but ah well, it'll all be hidden under clothing anyways). Beginning to block in other bits. I ended up keeping him more similar to his original PS2 concept than my own concept, but I'd like to think there's still elements of my style in there :P
EDIT: Replaced original screenshots with a bigger version of Jak's full body (with Haz's awesome skin shader!) and a better headshot. The greyscale small one was a bit tricky to see. Going to work on the feet and hands separately.
C+C welcome!
Anyway i love your Daxter model and your Jak is coming up along nicely!
Keep it going!
Looking forward for your next update!
Some redline scribbles below. I want the silhouette to be stronger, it's definitely too weak right now. The clothing needs to flare more. He will also look more balanced when I add the bits on his torso I suppose!
Of course, I welcome any feedback! The more feedback I get at this stage, the better really!
Oh, I modelled Jak's goggles properly now too, which is nice to see.
Still got a way to go, but I am glad I've gone back and fixed up the nasty issues that made me drop the project in the first place.
I still need to add some more bits, and add some detail onto his hair (plus finish the goggles and refine some areas further).
Keep going
I'm keeping the torso as it is however, since I'm not entirely keen on the way I drew Jak in that image! I don't like him so squat looking now I look back on it.
Any more more feedback on him?
I have also changed the hair finally, I think sculpted hair matches the overall style better. Plus, it'll be so much easier to unwrap!
I have also stuck some default Substance materials on the body to see how they look because I am getting way too ahead of myself :'D I shall refine them further though. I need to make an SSS map for the body, make the colours match better, make the colours pop more, add dirt and grime, etc etc. But it's getting there!
Here is an older Mixamo test I did for fun! I unfortunately can't rig, so this'll have to do!
Marmoset turnarounds and more renders here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3oe3Ko
The way the cornea specular is working, I'm not quite buying it. It almost needs to read a tad more rough I feel/
Hair could use some anisotropy to make it pop. I have a solution, Overwatch style, from my Red Tracer thread if you want a possible solution.
The mouth corners are not pinching inwards towads the face. It's reading more like perpetual duck face as opposed to proper mouth cruvature. This is gonna be slightly annoying, but they're gonna need an edit to the sculpt.
The clothe tactility feels gucci.
I will go back and see what I can do with those fixes. As for the duckface, that's quite funny haha. I will see what I can do, although I might not end up fixing that simply because it might be more trouble than it's worth. However, I will go back and take a look at improving the other things when I get the chance!