At what point in my workflow should I lay the grounds for the inevitable bake of my model?
Is it viable to make the lowpoly by doing the highpoly first, copy it and remove details, edgeloops etc?
Or is the fastest way just to retopo the whole thing with the freeform modeling tools?
I am making hardsurface models in Max by the way.
we often do proxy objects and create the low and the high from it...
Proxy/blockout and simultaneous high low can be lightning fast.
Zbrush high sculpt or boolean and retop can also be fast.
As Oglu says, it really depends. It's something you learn by doing. The more assets you create and the many, many ways of getting to a baked result you learn, the more intuitive/second nature it becomes.
Hi, may I ask you what you mean with proxy objects? Do you mean shells / temporary objects / place holders?