Hey everyone, I recently started looking into some dynamesh "boolean" workflows in Zbrush, and I am also learning to use Zbrush at the same time that I am experimenting with these new workflows. I found this great forum post about the whole workflow, whith a bunch of really great information (
Article) . I can pretty much follow everything, but there are a few things that I am getting stuck on. I am mainly a Maya user, and I am very familiar with how Maya works, and I also know a little bit about Max, and how it uses modifiers. In most of theses dynames boolean workflow tutorials I have seen, to generate a Low poly, the max user will just delete or modify some modifiers, which can't really be done in Maya.
So I guess my main question/ Concern is once i have a nice looking dynameshed piece within Zbrush, and I need to make a low poly, what is the best way of doing that. Should I Zremesh it in Zbrush, should I decimate it with decimation master, or should i just retopologize in Maya using quad draw.
The article I linked above is great, but I have also been using this video to guide me through most of the zbrush process:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg6QPJ7XirEIf anyone has tried this method, or can give me some advice for this method, using Maya instead of Max, I would be really greatful. I think this method could be really great, and could really speedup my workflow, but i need a bit more guidance on it.
Any information is helpful. Thanks
In the video that I linked around 27 minutes, the guy says that when he dynameshes and cuts the shapes out of the reciever, he's not worried about topology, and I understand that, and that is what makes the dynamesh boolean method so handy, but what he is not saying, is that he will have to retopologize that reciever. I'm just wondering what the best method for that might be in Maya. As I stated in my post, if you take the asset back into Max, it seems to be as simple as deleting a few modifiers, and BAM your done with the LP, but in Maya, how would someone go and recreate that piece, because their are no modifiers to delete.
Why Retopo my friend?
Create the HighPoly/LowPoly BaseMesh inside of Maya.
Im always doin it this way that my BaseMesh in Max looks perfectly fine with TurboSmooth.
I can tell you how im doin it:
1. BaseMesh + Booler Geo made in Max, ready for subdivide (With Supportloops)
2. I Import them into zBrush and divide them until the BaseMesh looks nice.
3. I make a Group Split so i have my BaseMesh and my Bool Geo seperatly.
4. I set the Booler Geo to Bool.
5. Now i Dynamesh in a very high Resolution the BaseMesh (Value Depends on complexity of Mesh, mostly between 500 and 2000)
6. When the BaseMesh is Dynameshed i merge it Down with the Booler Geo
7. Again Dynamesh and now the Bools are done.
8. Under Geometry -> Clay Polish values between 30-90 (Depends on Mesh)
9. After this under Deformation a Polish between 50-100 (Depends on Mesh)
10. Sometimes i re-dynamesh after ClayPolish to avoid minimal shading errors on some sharp edges.
11. You can now decimate the HighPoly to keep the Maya/Max scene smaller in size with decimation master.
12. Import it into Maya -> Done
13. Now use the BaseMesh made in Maya/Max for your LowPoly. Just delete the SupportLoops and use the Boolers, you also used in zBrush to bool your HighPoly Mesh. Do the Bool Operation and then connect the new geo properly to your existing topo and now refine your lowpoly to fit best your highpoly.
You have a clean, soft highpoly from zBrush and a LowPoly based on your BaseMesh made in Maya.
With that said...im only booling the for me hard parts which would take a lot more time in Max, to model them manualy.
Thats it!
Here is the example of what I have been doing recently.
Base mesh in Maya(Creased hard edges are blue-bold.)
Base mesh in Zbrush.
Subdivided in Zbrush.
Dynamesh + Deformation - Polish
Hope it helps!
I know that the crease sets will allow you to subdivide the model within Maya, and they will hold that geo in place, so that you don't have to add any support loops, but sometimes when I go back to connect verts of objects that I have booleaned in, the faces dissapear or something funky happens with the geo, causing me to have to recreate that part of the object.
Just wondering if you have every run into that, and if you know any possible fixes.
Thanks again for your reply, it really helped.