Below you can find 2 snapshots. One from UNITY and one from QUIXEL.
Maps are exported by quixels "Exporter" in metalness workflow.
-16 bit
Can somebody help me get the assets look the same?
Not sure what is wrong.
Let me know if you have any questions about settings?
link to asset optimised for Unity below (I flatened A and NM to JPG)
(metalness with gloss is in .tif fiie)


Also, you might want to look at using better compression for your maps; 128MB is pretty large! Consider using a .png or .tga file
Edit - Whoops, new to this forum, not too sure how to embed the image properly
I also opened the the asset in another project and it actually works fine.
That beeing said I understand that the fault is somewhere in unity settings (not in asset).
Might it have something to do with Linear colour space?
Do you have any idea where I should look for? do you need any snap shot of my settings?
I am much oblidged for help, have a good weekend
Perhaps you could try switching your camera to deferred if it isn't already?