Hey guys,
So Ive come to a point in the rigging where the keyframes I set, when I am transitioning between frames my mesh disappears when I click-hold- and drag my mouse
and reappears when I let go, however I want to see how the model looks in between the key frames as I am sliding between them, not just when I let go…
I tried the same thing on a simpler model and it worked fine
Which obviously suggests my file is too complex and computer cant handle that…
My question is, could you guys look into the file and see if theres anything I could omit or do something about to make the maya scene run more smoothly?
(In the file I have attached, the keyframes are set from 0-70 to close one eye at a time)
(I really cant afford a new comp now, and if I do I don’t even know what specs are supposed to make it so I don’t lag like this)
You have 4 large sets of polySplit happening after your skin bind, so each bone feeds data through those before the final result. Deleting non-deformer history helped a ton, as did taking the mesh out of smooth preview mode.
For the head disappearing, check the layer properties of Face_layer and uncheck "hide on playback"
Thank you so much Kitty, the Face layer hide on playback was the reason!!
What is a polysplit?
And why would it be happening after skin bind all skin bind does is just bind a joint to the mesh, it shouldnt be adding anything else right?
What is non deformer history?
Does deleting it affect the scene in any way other than speeding it up?(What are the consequences to deleting it?)
I will try to delete faces in the mouth bag!
Long answer because I'm procrastinating bigtime! So when you do certain actions/modifiers on a model, like bevel or add an edge loop for example, a history node is created that stores what was affected and the parameters of that operation. During regular modeling, a number of these nodes get chained together (I beveled these edges like so) > (I extruded this and that face like so) > (I'm a bend modifier just doing my thing) and so on. So history nodes further down the chain look to their parent nodes for updated model info- the original model might have Vertex #60, but is now Vertex #58 after a merge. Deleting history now and again while modeling is important since this will eventually slow everything down or become unstable. It simply bakes everything back down to the base mesh.
This is the line of edits you see running down the channel box. I'd definitely recommend reading up a little on history nodes, good stuff to know.
Deleting non-deformer history collapses those modeling type operations, but keeps things like skin binds or blend shapes so you're not forced to do weight paints again. However a more heavy edit like killing edges inside the mouth might end up requiring that you rebind to the bones anyway.
Yeah I did add edge loops to the eyelids when I was rigging it cus I found out there wasnt enough
So basically if I changed the Vertex from 60 to 58 and then I deleted non deformer history ,
What that means is that the new mesh is now finalized, so it deletes the old original and replaces it with this new one under the same name as the original right?
(Kinda like saving over a file with the same name?)
But how come Maya "apparently" saves all of this history information yet it really can only go back a few spaces, like if it really did save all this information then I should be able to go back all the way to the original file right?
-So was that basically me adding 2 edgeloops to the each lid was slowing everything down? Like seriously thats all it takes to slow Maya down?(i did all my modeling in zbrush, only retopo and added those lid loops in maya)
" However a more heavy edit like killing edges inside the mouth might end up requiring that you rebind to the bones anyway."
If I only do bones for the exterior like the lids, then deleting some edge loops inside the mouth bag wouldnt affect it to that heavy of an extent right?
because in the channel box all i see is
But how come Maya "apparently" saves all of this history information yet it really can only go back a few spaces, like if it really did save all this information then I should be able to go back all the way to the original file right?
I've simplified the concept because I don't understand the code at a super low level. It's still the same object during the whole process. Polygon models have indices of verts, edges, faces and so on, each component has an ID number and a value (and secondary values, like vertex color or skin weights). The history nodes track edits and pass them along.
Unless there's a specific reason, a model should have a clean history before being rigged for animation. Even though you only added those few edge loops, maya still has to iterate over whole indices while traveling through the polysplit nodes doing whatever math that needs to be done there, then report that back to the skin bind node, to the bones, and to the bone controllers and their constraints to process any vertex movement from moving said bones. It's been a long time, but I've never seen it act as slowly as it is in your case on a relatively simple setup.
As for reducing the mouth affecting the eyelids; it's possible but depends on how the mesh was constructed to begin with. Going back to the vertex index, each new vert added to a model typically gets added to the end. Imagine a quad polygon, with verts numbered as you please, then insert a loop in the middle. The corners 0,1,2,3 stay as 0,1,2,3 and the new middle vertices are 4,5. It's not hard to imagine the mess of numbers being all "out of order" on a more complex model.
History nodes are in the lower section under "inputs", editable types can be clicked on and expanded. Alternatively, you can use the node editor or hypergraph, both have a button to show the inputs/outputs of your selection, the icon is a sort of box with arrows going in and out of it. I hope all this helps!
I was wondering with all the history nodes is it possible to use them somehow to return to before the node existed?
I mean otherwise theyre pretty useless.
(Ctrl Z only allows me to go back so far after all, and if I cant reach the history node... then doesnt it make them kinda pointless to have around anyway?)