Hey Guys,
Ive taken a few screenshots to show you what im facing but ill explain it a little bit.
ive exported seperate objs into an FBX file for substance painter (from maya) i planned to bake the high polys (from zbrush) which i exported as seperate objs for each object and used the correct naming conventions so painter can bake by mesh name. I have made sure that normals are facing the correct way, also that the transformations have been frozen and history has been deleted in maya on the low poly export. ive also made sure they all share the same material so that it bakes out into 1 uv map. some of the table legs have been duplicated to save uv space but i also made sure to flip the UVs in the editor so that there are no "red" faces and everythings facing the right way.
But still i seem to get some kind of back faced culling in substance painter 3d viewport and then when i bake only one of the objects has baked correctly, all the legs are just plain white and seem to be not included in the normal map preview.
Can anyone see if im overlooking something silly??

saying this i have been messing around with it and i got it to work so far by reversing the normals ... but so that the normals are facing the wrong way, im quite confused of this because surely once you have reset xform of frozen transformations then max/maya would read it as a seperate object and not something that has been mirrored?? any thoughts?
i guess if it works it works right im just confused on the logic of how i got it to finally read right ... fyi this happened in marmoset too so it has to be an issue with the model not the software
thanks for your help guys regardless