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Need help with 3DS Max shortcut remapping

polycounter lvl 6
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VonDoom polycounter lvl 6
Is there an easy way to remap the shortcut keys in max? 

The Customize UI window is pretty cumbersome, and it seems i run into a lot of conflicts with existing binds that i cant find and resolve.

Help much appreciated!


  • NoRank
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    NoRank polycounter lvl 3
    I'm afraid there is no other way of changing the hotkeys. But it's not really that complicated, you will just have to assign hotkeys and accept if there's other functions being used by that key. Most of the time you won't be using these functions that are assigned by default anyway.
  • VonDoom
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    VonDoom polycounter lvl 6
    Aw crap :( Unfortunately It is the useful things that seem to be bugged, for example, I can hotkey the bevel tool itself, but not the operation with the bevel [b]menu[/b] that allows for better control.
  • NoRank
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    NoRank polycounter lvl 3
    VonDoom said:
    Aw crap :( Unfortunately It is the useful things that seem to be bugged, for example, I can hotkey the bevel tool itself, but not the operation with the bevel [b]menu[/b] that allows for better control.
    Yeah it seems like a max bug or something. I have this same thing for some stuff on my work computer but not on my personal computer.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Yea there are some tools that are broken / wont work if assigned a key in the hotkey editor. Years ago the bridge tool was that way (not sure if it still is), so I wrote a script to do it instead and just hotkeyed that.

    If you want to set a hotkey for Bevel options window, here's a script I just put together. Run it and then hotkey g_bevel under GregsScripts:

    macroScript g_bevel<br>category: "GregsScripts"<br>buttonText: "Bevel"<br>(<br>    erStat = showEndResult<br>    showEndResult = false<br>    setCommandPanelTaskMode #modify<br>    curSelStack = modpanel.getCurrentObject()<br><br>    if (classOf curSelStack == Editable_Poly) do (<br>        facCount = $.selectedFaces.count<br>        if (subObjectLevel == 4) and (facCount >= 1) do (curSelStack.popupDialog #Bevel)<br>    )<br>    if (classOf curSelStack == Edit_Poly) do (<br>        facCount = ((curSelStack.getSelection #Face) as array).count<br>        if (subObjectLevel == 4) and (facCount >= 1) do (curSelStack.popupDialog #Bevel)<br>    )<br>    <br>    showEndResult = erStat;<br>    CompleteRedraw()<br>)<br>
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    You probably would like to try "KeyHydra" for 3Dsmax you can manage keyboard shortcuts visually, and it add multitap and context sensitive shortcuts to 3dsmax.  Www.onikanabo.com/keyhydra it's also available on gumroad. A free trial do exist as well.
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