Hi, I understand linear workflow, but I am confused about gamma curves in images.
First, our eyes see differently luminance as is real. We are more sensitive to dark tones. We see more brigter dark areas. In image below we can see on input 50% and output is 75% or 25% actual luminance we see as 50%. That is correct.

Question is, what value has blue (eyes) gamma curve ?
I think curve is gamma 2.2, but everywere on net is named as 1/2.2 or 0.454. It does not make sense, because if gamma>1 then image is brighter, when is gamma<1 image is darker (you can try this in PS).
Another example, everywhere on net are diagrams where we see our monitors has gamma 2.2, but that not makes sense too. We know, as is showed on image below, input voltage 0.5 has aroud 0.22 brightness, that means our images will be more darker.
Again same question, what value has monitor gamma curve, i think its 0.454 ?
And this is why I am confused and think gamma values on diagrams are not right? Example from rendering, every textures which has color information has gamma 2.2 gamma and need to be linearized before rendering, than we apply inverse gamma 0.454 on them and we get linear color texture.