I'm trying to get a single character rig to morph into different bodies, and toggle through different clothing pieces (like dark souls)
Unlike dark souls though, I also like to include height/proportion customization, (short spine, tall arms, etc)
What's my best bet?
Much appreciated
I've been working on a team project for 3 months, the programmer and I (artist) have been looking into the technicalities for a while now.
Without flooding the thread with 3 months worth of links, here's what we've learned so far
A base model is created, separated into 2; body and head.
We have a morph slider set in Unity
morph targets are created for the body to toggle characters.
morph targets are created for the head as well
However, we export each character head separately, as they contain their own facial morph targets
We are using Mega-fiers wrap for the clothes (http://www.west-racing.com/mf/?page_id=3709)
That way we model the clothes once to the base character, and let the megafiers wrap the mesh to the character morphs
The character designs contain extreme body dimensions (tall, short, slim, wide)
This holds an issue with sharing animations.
We then fixed IK constraints for dealing with props in unity.
Facial and body animations are meant to be motion captured.
The bip001 may need to be fixed for each character's height, not sure how yet.
Height may also be affected by certain footwear.
As of now, I'm re-scaling bones in Unity to match each character's dimensions, and running into child scaling and rotation issues.
I know scaling bones is ill-advised, but it's all I can find to match the character designs now.
Tutorials I found are usually for fixed dimension characters.
UMA seems like the closest thing to what I'm looking for, but I don't think I can use my own original models/character designs
When I searched the forum, I found this
One link that doesn't help, the other dead, and no activity. Topic seems to be using same character dimensions too, so a bit off point in my case.
I'm currently fixing body dimensions issues in Unity for design and animation purposes, but I can't help but feel there may be a better way we're missing.
I hoped to find some opinions and suggestions, stories, etc. I'm not a programmer, but I'm trying to understand the standards of character customization and what usually goes into it. Tutorials I find tend to have a very simplistic approach, of clothing one character, or clothing a constant body dimension.
Thank you.
not an easy task bro.
Hopefully a good software comes up one day.
I worked with a custom engine once that allowed morphing between differetly-proportioned skeletons. The way they did it was to blend positional transforms only... bones were not length-constrained.
Not sure if a similar thing can be achieved in Unity or not.
You might look into control rigs... abstracting the scaling away from the weighted bones might help solve it.