We had a thread over in 3d where we were posting a bunch of game prototype work and it just became such a heavy download to view it. Thought I would just do a simple concept art one as we go instead. For lengthy process images, for those interested, I will just post a link you can go to if you want to. So here we go.
First up is a potential boss. This is a mood painting i started a couple weeks ago just to get an idea of our first Golem on paper.
(to view process pics you can go to the artstation link here!
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/4v2P4 )
This next one is me trying to take a first stab at some architecture
This will give me some things to mess around with when i start to proxy the 3d geo of the temple ruins set.
(progress shots here
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QBZQL )

Here are some other exploration sketches that we may or may not use.

More to come!