Hello. Sorry for the spelling, english is not my native laungege.
Soo im on windows 10 and when i setup my modifier toolstack for easier and fast access to the modifiers i use mostly, if i close 3ds max after saving the toolset just disapear and it resets to deafult. I have tried creating new workshop and new startup template without any luck. Have anyone else experienced the same problem? i tried to save the modifier toolset in the "configurate modifier sets" but it got reset when i restarted 3DS max
It has something to do with where 3dsmax saves preferences and that those folders are hidden or locked off from average users. You can change the configuration paths to a different spot, one that isn't locked down. https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/3ds-max/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2016/ENU/3DSMax/files/GUID-1DAA53B9-4B58-49C6-A1BA-D6E533396A63-htm.html
Also certain settings will be retained if you save a maxstart.max file to your scenes folder. It will load each time max starts and it will override a small number of settings. Even if this doesn't give you the exact settings you want, it might be a good way to set up your default scene. I start mine off with a measuring stick so I have a scale reference in each scene.
It could also be an issue of previous installs of Max overwriting your preferences. Technically according to Autodesk, this shouldn't happen but it has happened to me and uninstalling previous and trial versions did the trick for me.
If all else fails, hit up Autodesk: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/3ds-max/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/3ds-Max-Workspaces-keep-resetting-to-defaults-or-aren-t-sticky.html