Hello, how does one go about converting the ueler angles from unreal to degrees in maya so that the assets in maya and unreal have exactly the same rotation? Ive been trying to do some math but i cant figure out. Here a snipet from an example i found, but the resulting values are too small so i guessing there is still one step more to do. I also dont really understand ueler angles that much.
from maya.api import OpenMaya as om
unreal_rot = [ 90, 55, -125.0 ]
# swap z and y position
maya_rot = om.MEulerRotation(math.radians(unreal_rot[0]), math.radians(unreal_rot[1] + 90.0), math.radians(unreal_rot[2]))
print maya_rot[0], maya_rot[1], maya_rot[2]
When you export as fbx, what is your axis conversion set to? is it Y-Up or Z-Up? Is that the rotation your are trying to convert. Also, which why are you converting - from unreal to maya or maya to unreal?
In a nutshell i am trying to make a maya to unreal link. So i can send stuff between the two programs. But it would be the poor mans version. Since all im interested on is the reference's name and translations. I am attaching a link to dropbox with a quick video and the script itself. Maybe someone could look at it and help me out.