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Sketchbook: Chloe Russell

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Hey :) I'm Chloe, I'm a uni student studying games art and design. Following are some personal projects that I've been working on in my spare time. The first couple I haven't finished yet, but any critique would be much appreciated.

Here's a hand I modeled in maya and zbrush, then painted in substance painter 2. I'm going to add some more details to it, but haven't quite got the time this week.


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    And an iron mace strongly inspired by skyrim

    I want to improve the wear and rust effects, and also making it look dirtier.
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    A scifi storage crate from alien isolation

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    For a uni project, we had to create a low poly character. This is my second character, which did not go through to the texturing process. It is based of off Ed-E from Fallout New Vegas.
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    Based of a image from Orange is the New Black season one i believe. I've put it on hold while I focus on uni work, I'm posting it here so that i dont forget to finish it :smile:

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    A fallout inspired fuel pump, I used this image I found online as a reference for the model: Image result for fallout fuel pump

    I then textured it in substance painter using 1k tex maps, keeping fallout 4's colour pallete in mind:

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    Another project that I'm working on now that the summer break has begun...I've realised that I have a bad habit of starting projects but not finishing them, so I shall finish this one and then wrap up all of my other projects that I've started since christmas, before i start any new ones.
    I've heard that modeling kitchens is a good way to improve modeling skills, as there are so many different objects in a kitchen. So, here is my kitchen, untextured as yet:

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    Done some more work on the kitchen project:
  • universe
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    Hi Chloe, really nice artworks out here. I'm waiting for more :)
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    universe said:
    Hi Chloe, really nice artworks out here. I'm waiting for more :)

    Thank you :smile: I'll be sure to post more soon!
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    Taking a short break from the kitchen while i learn Zbrush, by modelling my Golden Retriever puppy:

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    Using a concept from the Fallout 4 art book as reference. I want to focus more on improving my 3d modelling skills
    , so I will not texture or uv unwrap this scene. Not yet anyway :)

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    We've been learning substance designer at uni, and I've realised just how awesome the program is! Heres something I've been working on in my free time:
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    Another designer Work in progress project :) I need to learn how to make the black areas metallic, but the rest non-metallic. I also need to add a height map to them, which will test my knowledge as I have not really dabbled with that before.

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    So I've been super busy with uni work, but now that we have a reading week I thought I'd pick up Substance Designer again! Upon browsing for inspiration, I came across a thread asking for help on how to create a material. Below is my (unfinished) attempt to recreate the image:
    And here is the reference:
    I obviously still have a long way to go, however time is pressing and my bed calls me. I shall continue on with this fun little project tomorrow!

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    Making a start on a Silver Birch bark texture in Substance Designer! I didn't think it would be easy, but it's proven much more challenging than I thought it would be. I struggled with making the large dark areas looking like they were a different layer to the silver bark, and while I'm still not happy with it using the Quantize node helped alot. I also created a highlight around it which helped. I need to alter the colour, overall damage to the silver layer and the shape of the knot type things. I may also create some smaller lines running horizontally across the bark, as is typical of silver birchs....the pattern I have at the moment is too large I think.
    Overall though, this already looks better than I thought it would, which is encouraging. I'm hoping to finish this tomorrow, thursday at the latest, so any feedback would be amazing!
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    Tweaked it a little bot, and applied it to my tree. The uv's are terrible, I'll update them later. I've done a lot of them for uni recently and wanted a brief reprive from them.
    In addition to the birch texture, I also painted on a moss texture that I've made on some of the darker areas (using substance painter) I need to tweak this though, as it's too subtle at the moment.
  • MartinCi_01
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    Nice bark texture, the tree looks good to.
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    Thanks Martin!
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    Back at uni so not had much time to work on my own stuff, but I have put the tree in sketchfab. It's not perfect, but once I've added some leaves it should look better. It's going to be part of a larger scene, so I'm going to add some leaves and call it done for now, so I can move onto the next item.
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    So I wasn't quite happy with it, so i tweaked the bark texture again. I'm still not happy with it, I might redo it completely in the summer but for now I really am calling it done. I'm picking up an leaf texture I began making a few months ago, my next project is implementing the folllowing two leaves into an autumn leaf covered floor texture:

    The viens need some work for sure, I think I can apply what I learned during the bark texture to this one to make it more multi-layered, because at the moment everything looks very flat. Also the colours need some work, it's too blotchy currently.

    The above has the same problems, also I think the edge may be too smooth so I'll do some more research then tweak it accordingly.
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    Working on a new scene! This is my WIP shot: I can't claim any credit for the water, I downloaded that from the UE4 store. Everything else was created by me

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    Another update-Still to do:

    More Unique Rocks

    Foliage texture (like grass to place along the ground and around the rocks)

    Mountain rock/mud texture

    Vertex paint moss/mountains etc

    Lighting/fog atmosphere

    Sky is ue4 default currently, so I'd like to alter that by adding clouds or something.

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    Some work in progress shots of one of my assets from a university project I'm working on:
    Still got a looooong way to go with this, but any feedback is much appreciated!
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    The finished University project:

    More shots can be found on my artstation post: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/L2OmdA
    In this post, I included a few marmoset scenes of some of my assets: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v1wwEd

    It's not yet the standard I hoped for, so I'm going to rework the scene at some point. But for now I'd really like a break from this project.

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    New Substance Designer project! Inspired by the Nodevember challenge, speciffially the 'Treasure' prompt, I had a crack at making a coin. This is made 100% in Substance designer, and rendered in marmoset. I'm not quite happy with the roughness and dirt on it yet, so any feedback would be much appreciated! :)

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    I've layered the coins on top of one another to create a tilable material, and I've put it in a super basic marmoset scene- I've never really been comfortable in marmoset, so I thought it about time I forced myself to use it more. The coins lost a lot of detail because I made the coins quite numerous (about 40 per tile)

    Edit: Here it is with less red lighting:

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    New project (I'll finish the others one day!) It's a Weller WES51 Solder Iron Station, well technically it's a mash up of two very similar models, I've cherry picked my favourite bits from each model. Current to do list-
    Finish off stencils
    Add more geo to the wire and the part where the wire joins the main machine, I don't like that you can see through to the background
    Add more wear to the Solder Iron Holder
    Improve the background materials
    Improve lighting
    Add an emmisive to the LED, to indicate that the machine is switched on
    Add a plug socket to the wall

    While I hadn't originally planned to add a background scene to the station just yet, I think it will help show off the asset and help me figure out how to light it.

    As always, critiques are welcomed
    The main reference images:

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