This question has been bugging me for a while, if my interior walls have thickness, should I put the pivot in the middle of an edge? Or should I leave it on vertex and handle it in game instead?
I want to place walls like Sims 4, which appears to guarantee thickness on both sides, I believe that makes designing fitting furnitures easier.
BTW, does Maya have any shortcuts to move pivot to the middle of an edge?
@Eric Chadwick Thx! You mean putting walls on the grid lines, right?
I don't know how The Sims series does it exactly, because they can show both interior and exterior walls, I assume they just use rectangle mesh instead of quads.
My current issues:
- IF I put the pivot on edge/corner, then I have a problem with shared walls. (basically, you will need to distinguish inset and outset walls when designing modular furnitures.)
- IF I put the pivot in the wall (center bottom or somewhere else), then I have a hard time aligning 2nd floor walls with first floor walls. (as Maya snaps to vertex/edge/grid but not pivot.)
Or maybe I shouldn't use cube for walls? Maybe I should use quads? That way I can worry less about pivot...EDIT:
To answer my own question:
This can be done by enable Display > Transform Display > Rotate Pivot, it will enable an anchor for other walls to snap to.
Note this setting is on per object basis.