I have modeled the building below and exporting it to Unreal. Thing is, it is big and wanted to have enough room for my UVs. so i broke it into pieces.

And theses are some of the pieces

this is supposed to be the brick wall.

And these the windows and more.
I did unwrap them (every element) and "GROUPED" everything into one single mesh.

And exported it to Unreal. So, my question is, is this the right way for doing this or there is a better way?
P.S. If i didn't make sense, you could ask me again and i try to explain it. English is not my first language. Thank you.
I will give it a go. Thanks fam.
If you're making large scenes all by yourself modularity is probably best as you will be able to build a lot quickly and reuse your assets.
The second link in the list in particular is quite recent and done in UE4.