This is for the more curious ones and in this tutorial we are
going to program an AI for an NPC. In the first part of the Artificial
Intelligence we create three states for our enemy, Idle, Alert and
Attacking and we make sure he follow us when in attacking range For Watching!
Just want to share a Pirate-Chest I created for a game in development.
The modeling process:
And the animation:
Thanks for watching!
Here is a quick tutorial on how to create Low Poly style rocks, and also how to create Cartoon Rocks.
Thanks For Watching!
Thanks For Watching!
Here it is, the process where we get the main features of every human bone in a low poly style way.
Thanks For Watching!
Hope it may help someone around here.
Here is a nice exercise for beginners and intermediates on Animation and Physics in Blender. We do a quick animation with rigid bodies and create this dices rolling. Thanks and good luck!
Thanks and good luck!
Thanks and have fun!