Hey guys

I was reading this article today that was saying how influential friends are - if you have a friend who drinks heavily (for example), you are 50% more likely to become a heavy drinker yourself. Long story short, I want more friends who are 3D Artists in order to be a good influence on me

I'll introduce myself and if you want to explore friendship with me go ahead and comment with a little bit about you. Since I am not on the forums much, I may be posting in the wrong place. If so, feel free to help me out and let me know.
My name is Emily Adams, I am a 3D artist at a small studio in Oregon. I've been working on 3D off an on for 6 years (I thought for a while that I might go down a different career path) and I am self taught. I would consider myself to be a rather excitable person, but I tend to get discouraged quickly as well. I want to learn everything at once so I tend to be more like a distracted doggy chasing squirrels

But I am getting better at being focused every day!
Right now I am attempting to do one of the current Artstation challenges, but I am getting a bit lost on what to do and it would be nice to talk to another 3D artist on how to go about my projects.
I recently (last week) got married, and I am super lucky because my husband is a concept artist at the same studio I work at.
If you would like to look at my artstation that is just fine with me

It only has one thing on it as most of my work within the last few years I can't post yet since the game I am working on hasn't been released.
https://www.artstation.com/artist/ariannwyn Anyways, it would be great if anyone wants to befriend me. If you don't want to post you can just send me a private message too. That's fine with me.

I am big on chatting and forum posts are hard for me since the communication is so slow.
As others have mentioned the slack chat is definitely a good place to hop on and chat with a lot of the folks here! The structure is less forum like, and it's a pretty lax atmosphere.
Hey congrats getting hitched
and I kinda get where you're coming from. Similarly bumps in the road have a tendency railroading my focus away from CG stuff especially over the last 4yrs at least but yeah when it comes to paying the bills "ya-gotta-do-wot-ya-gotta-do". So ATM rockin two P/T jobs plus on top of that an ongoing non-CGI related up skilling P/T course of study for the next 18mths+, although to be fair it's not all work and no play more often than not, quite recently in fact I'll make the effort blocking in a few hours on the weekend working on personal projects, which curiously I have to say is starting to become habitual since the beginning of the year. Anyway you're welcome PM'ing me whenever talking shop and I'll lend an ear.
Oh...a quick bio. I'm also self taught, you can say a bit of a 'generalist' though my primary skillset is as a mechanical hardsurface modeller, utilising an ad hoc OSS pipeline built around Blender for about 12yrs however I still regard myself a noob in many respects. I'll drop these links see for yourself mainly long running dormant WIPs of what I'm into, by the way I've vowed completing by year's end.
(I'm a refugee from another community, thinking of staking a claim here after lurking about for a while...
If you would like to, feel free to PM me and we can talk shop and life an' stuff
-sounds like you have a best friend to fulfill this need for like minded friends lol
I am new on this website.
It is definitely true that your friends define who you are or become, especially at our age.
It would be great to meet some like-minded people, to whom I won't have to justify myself and explain what crazy journey I'm on (I went on sabbatical to concentrate on learning 3D, after 10 years of professional activity).
In any case you got one extra artstation follower
I'm always excited to make new friends as well. If anyone wants to chat, feel free to pm me