Does this mean learning Fusion 360 will become a must for concept artists? EDIT: I am watching the video straight from Youtube. Modeling alone really consumes the life out of you. I was emotionally lost when I heard about the CAD artists at Boston Dynamics...
I stopped after an hour. Vitaly says you should concentrate on two or three things and start with the hardest one. Well, I think people should crawl before walk...
Vitaly, is kind of a super human and tbh, I would listen to his advice as he one the of the most well known and respected artists out there today. People like him make me strive to become a better artist and give me a bar to aim for. Plus he does great book recommendations!
EDIT: I am watching the video straight from Youtube. Modeling alone really consumes the life out of you. I was emotionally lost when I heard about the CAD artists at Boston Dynamics...
Wish there's a way to slay the hell out of procrastination!