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Custom Hotkeys for 3D Apps Poll: Yes/No

polycounter lvl 15
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Noth polycounter lvl 15
Compiling a thread of preferences for custom hotkeys for use in 3D apps. Maya, Zbrush, etc.
My personal opinion, no hotkeys = scrub. Interested to hear other thoughts on this from this community.
Also, if you're pro custom hotkeys, then about how much faster do you think they make you?


  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Yes. I don't over-rely on them, but for stuff I use all the time, like extrude, or bevel, I absolutely have hotkeys.

    I'd say I have less than 10 custom hotkeys, though. It's really just for the really important stuff. Of course, I use the built in ones quite a lot, as well.

    Lesser-used, but still common, tools, I put on my shelves, in Maya. Quick access, but I don't have to remember 60 hotkeys.
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    polycount has a poll feature fyi

    Custom hotkeys are an advantage (though how 'faster' they make you can't easily be measured) so I'm not sure why anyone would actively avoid them. However, you want to be smart about them. Generally I'd recommend using them in an additive way, binding tools or custom scripts that don't have a native hotkey. If you rebind all the defaults you won't be able to work with the default setup if you ever have to (lose your config, at a co-worker's computer, trying to teach someone/write a tutorial...). If you do rebind a lot of defaults, take care of your config and be prepared to redo it from scratch even so — the shiny new version of yourapphere might require a clean start; you never know.
  • kwyjibo
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    kwyjibo polycounter lvl 7
    Maya marking menus + default hotkeys and custom shelves are fast enough for me. Although I do have like 2 or 3 custom defined hotkeys.
  • NoRank
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    NoRank polycounter lvl 3
    I use some custom hotkeys on buttons that are not that complicated to remember since max default hotkeys for some stuff are kinda weird lol. But yeah, custom hotkeys makes everything faster for me.
  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    I've added about half a dozen or some more hotkeys to Maya. But I normally am quite reluctant about doing these things. Only if I notice that I am going to switch between the same tools often and the program doesn't have them already keyed.

    But they do make me work faster and automate a some things (I have for example keys for freeze transformations and delete history next to each other and I tend to press them automatically once I am done with an object).

    For ZBrush and PS I never felt the urge to do such things.
  • EliasWick
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    EliasWick polycounter lvl 10
    3Ds Max, I have 57 hotkeys / keybindings, all remembered and mapped in my brain (I have them saved on a spreadsheet as well). On the other hand, if I spend 2 weeks or more away from the software, I tend to forget the ones that I use the least.

    I wouldn't call someone a scrub if they were to use no hotkeys. But It saves a whole bunch of time for me, except for the times where I have to figure out the combination to my hotkey.

    I save around 1 - 20 minutes a day depending on a session length.
  • Noth
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    Noth polycounter lvl 15
    @Bek - Thanks for the reminder, didn't realise we had a poll here. Never used it.
    @Biomag - I would highly recommend using hotkeys in Zbrush. Docking Brushes in the menu is okay, but it still takes 20x longer to go there, click, comeback, resume action. I use Alt + q,w,e,r,a,s,d,f,g and it's lightning speed. Especially when you need to combine brushes together to achieve effects. Such as inflate + trim
    dynamics, or pinch. 
    @kwyjibo - You're missing out bro. You go faster with them, once you try it there's no going back.
    @EliasWick - True, you have to remember them. I know someone that uses a spreadsheet too. Mine aren't that dramatic. I have around 10 high priority ones and then two custom marking menus, and a shelf for a couple things I don't use that often. 

    I've attached some Zbrush hotkeys encase anyone wants to give them a spin. They're the same ones I use in DOTA. Speed!

  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    Because of my situation I have a laptop + cintique and I am not always able to sit at a well organized desk. This ends up with me having the function keys and 2-3 other hot keys on the cintique, but that thing is between me and my keyboard - therefore additional hotkeys are not an option :D Anyhow my workflow doesn't rely on a quick switch between brushes when I am sculpting, so I can't complain. Those couple of seconds per day won't make me faster :)
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    It's hard to judge how much faster hotkeys make you, I'm sure most of us have built our preferences and workflows up over years, and who wants to take time to compare their muscle-memory vs a default layout? Also, it's really weird watching "speed modeling" in maya on youtube and seeing the person constantly move up to the top menu to do simple extrudes and stuff.
  • ambelamba
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    ambelamba polycounter lvl 6
    I guess it depends on which tool you use? I am not fond of custom hotkeys because you need to adapt when the work environment changes. (or does Maya have files that contain all the info for hotkey customization? I don't know.)

    As for Maya, which I just started, you really need hotkeys. And adding custom hotkeys can add up to confusion, I guess. Personally I am also against personalizing the UI...
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    ambelamba said:
    I guess it depends on which tool you use? I am not fond of custom hotkeys because you need to adapt when the work environment changes. (or does Maya have files that contain all the info for hotkey customization? I don't know.)

    As for Maya, which I just started, you really need hotkeys. And adding custom hotkeys can add up to confusion, I guess. Personally I am also against personalizing the UI...
    Oh I'm the polar opposite here. Most of Maya's preferences are modular, and you can save a hotkey and marking menu set to move with you. However, if you're new, there's more to learn about using it first, figuring out what you do and don't need comes with time.
  • Noth
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    Noth polycounter lvl 15
    @ambelamba - Sure work environments change, I just started at a new studio on Monday and was able to bring 100% of my custom hotkeys and marking menus for Maya and other software. So that as a reason alone doesn't really stand. Generally you hotkey things slowly while working so they build into your own muscle memory, if you try building a whole setup at once obviously it's going to be too crazy. Start with something like shift + E for extrude. Alt + D for Delete Edge. Alt + C for Collapse edge. Ctrl + Alt + C for Centre Pivot. Building from some stuff like that is a pretty solid place to start. Eventually you just do it without actually remembering where everything is. It's pretty sweet. 
  • Chimp
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    Chimp interpolator
    Custom? I barely do out of the box ones! I've gone a decade straining against using them before finally coming to terms. System wide ones are fine.
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    I can't objectively measure the speed increase I get by using custom hotkeys in Modo, but I can tell you that they keep me in a flow state by letting me avoid menu diving.  That's worth something.  The process for setting hotkeys in MODO is quite the opposite, however!  :)
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