Hi everyone,
finally decided to post work on this website. This thread will show my
progression and development of an environment. I'm a student and this is
for a portfolio piece. My goal is to achieve the Borderlands style while
learning how to setup an up an environment in Unreal Engine. This will be my
first environment work so all sorts of critiques are greatly appreciated.
had some thought for the story in this environment and I want it to show that
it was taken by Pandora's (the setting of the game) creatures. The handlers of
the circus were careless so the creatures took over and is now a nesting place
for them.
are a few screenshots of my block out in Unreal.
Good luck on the project, sounds like fun. Can you share a couple reference images or concept you're using?
That is awesome. I've been running around gathering references from Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel and the art style looks tricky to replicate. It seems like it's a mixture of the engine handling the materials and the way the textures are made. Is this true? When looking at a prop some angles don't have a black outline. Thanks for giving me some of your time.
I've been messing with the lighting in unreal and figured out how to get the borderlands cel shading effect. I was going through unreal's learning project for stylized rendering and saw that they achieved what I was looking for. I grabbed the file and threw it in my environment. There is still a bit of tweaking and learning on how this cel shading system works. With the screenshots you can notice the lines get thicker the farther I move away with some of the props. These past two weeks were a modeling and lighting pass but not the final pass for either one.
I've modeled some crates based from the game, a high striker game, and circus animal cages. Here are reference sheets I used while I modeled these.