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[UE4][WIP] Old Pharmacy progress thread

polycounter lvl 8
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GDelforge polycounter lvl 8
Hi there !
I'm working on a scene for my portfolio, so I figured let's make a progress thread to share my work, maybe get some feedback and give myself some extra motivation to update it regurlarly. First post on polycount !

Here's the concept I'm starting from. It was made by talented Namkoart. Go check his work if you like the concept! https://www.instagram.com/namkoart/

I will go for a quite different look though. I want to give the scene the feeling it was almost abandonned. I have very little experience with lighting but I want to make the scene quite dark, with only one or two lighting sources.

Right now I have made mostly a blocking of the scene and some lighting tests. I just began the actual modelling and texturing. Here's some screenshots.

My blocking with some lighting tests.

A simple table. Not sure about it, I'll see how it integrates into the scene once I have a bit more elements

The counter. I'm happy with overall look, but I'll give the textures a bit more work to make it look like it was actually used a lot.

My main master material. I will add features over time depending on my needs.

Keep in mind this a progress thread, I will iterate on most elements of the scene. I will redo the floor texture from scratch for example.
English is not my main language. I apologize if I made mistakes.
Thanks for reading me. Feedback is welcome of course :)


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