This thread is created to show my progress on the third weapon finish of the "Phobos" series for the USP-S pistol.
I will post as much as I could, so you people could notice all the changes and maybe learn something from it, or just observe. It's been a great expirience on the sci-fi contest, so I'd like to keep this tradition up.
This time I took some inspiration from the "Rogue: One" (
Star Wars Story) movie, which I liked pretty much. So I'd like to mix some areas of an old-school sci-fi (70-80s) style with a some of new meta. I've noticed some upcomming teaser of the "Blade Runner 2", which I used to like too. So I'll try to land closer to them.

If you know nothing of this series, I'd like to mention that this series is based on the such movies as:
"Blade Runner", "Star Wars", "Alien", "Dune".
And some old-school sci-fi style of 70-80s generally, with the references from the internet.
Let's start from it:
Also some even more progress on the illuminators and a glowing things:
Here's some variations of the handle that I made, and the last one I picked as a base to move(Going to work more on it, it's just a first step):
UPD: Some small touch on it
1)The grip of the pistol does not work out for me. I would rework the general structure of the shapes so they could work better with each other. What I am trying to say is that those shapes are inconsistent and it brings unbalance with it which burdens the eye.
picture for preview:
2)The three bars/lights which are narrow would work better if you would straighten them .
again those are my notions on how you could develop your design even forward make your own inferences and act upon them.
Thank you very much Paul for you comment. It makes me happy to read such a things. I would take a note of your suggestions. But I'm not sure if I would follow them out. Talking even more about the grip, I would like to notice that I designed it to fit to a hand ingame, when you will use the animation - you would notice that the fingers and the parts of the hand perfectly fits to it. It took really a long time to pick a good decision, which will transfer enough yellow color to the LOD model and made it's silhouette familiar to a player and easy recognizable on the macro level of detail.
Talking about the bars - I would like to notice that they are maden this way to fit previous conception and to look like a same set compare to the AWP and M4A4 design.
Thank you Ezikyl. I'm glad that you enjoy my decision to show the progress. I hope it could help someone or at least me to grow. Separating model by pieces helps me to view it as a something new, as a different shape for a design. It also helping me to keep a much better quality, so I perceive the each element I cut as a new "skin" to design. Comparing them together making an amazing results to observe. Polishing at the final stage helps to get back to the whole gun design. You just need to draw a concept for yourself at first to keep your eyes on the macro composition. Talking about a "Fear me" signature - I want to mention that I'm trying to add some individuality to a weapon by it. I want to make it feel more personal, as the weapon owner used to scrape this phrase there with his own interest and feelings(So it would feel more natural and realistic).
I'm sure from my view that this signature is adding more dark atmosphere to the perception of this skin in the players imagination, the way I supposed people to feel it... As the "Φόβος" name I used to pick from the greek is also associated with a "Fear Me" signature. I used to more a more psychological factor to it, rather than a designer factor.
And some images:
Great job man
Thank you guys.
That area says: m|_|53 - m4p 0f pr0bl3m471qu3