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I have question about portfolio

Hi :)
I'm student who is working on my portfolio for 3D environment artist.
These day, I have one big concern.
It's about the concept art.
Even though I can do some modelling and texture the stuff, this does not mean I can do design, too(Or should I be?..) 

My question is, Is it okay to use concept art from preexisting game like overwatch, or final fantasy some famous games which has awesome concept art and mention that I used them? Or it's like one of things that I should not do?

Is is better to use just photo I take or something?

I tried to do a search for this question, but I could not find some answer.
It may be a common sense.. but I will just ask! better know the answer after short awkward time. 


  • Joao Sapiro
    Offline / Send Message
    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    as a student you should just worry on doing it instead of asking if you can. unless you make money from an ip concept art or something like that. just get to work and do cool enviros , thats all you should worry at the moment.
  • JamesMeader
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    JamesMeader polycounter lvl 9
    When learning I think it's always best to follow either real life reference to model or concepts related to pre-exisiting games or from concept artists you like. 

    Always credit the artist and make it clear it's a study and everything will be fine. You can always message the concept artist if you want. 

    My main goal is to eventually move away from concepts and start modelling from my own imagination. But that can take time and something I always remember being told is the model will only be as good as the concept. 

    Like what Joao Sapiro said, just to work and worry about everything else later. 
  • PYN
    Thanks for your advice. Yep. it's right I better start and worry later :) happy new year! 
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