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Witcher 3 Style Character

polycounter lvl 4
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demsdabreaks polycounter lvl 4
Hey all I'm working on something for class and I'd love some help on the concept. I created a concept, but its not feeling Witcher 3 enough yet. Any thoughts or critiques on this would be awesome! Paintovers would be SUPA!
He's suppose to be kind of a medieval street brute/brigand. Any comments on how I could probably make him look more individualistic would be great.


  • demsdabreaks
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    demsdabreaks polycounter lvl 4
    Didn't get too many replies, but I'm going to put the finished product here! I'm happy to have taken Ryan Kingsleins character art bootcamp and its allowed me to reach another level with this character.
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Looks like you did a great job! Your trouser wrinkles at the knees look like the fabric was sucked onto the legs. In general the larger the ears the friendlier the character. Also the facial features might be too big for the face size. The style of the face would suggest a farmer type, but that is just my preference.

    Great work.
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