Hey guys, just checking to see if anyone has the answer to this problem outside of the potentially long way I fixed it.
So onto the problem, I bevelled an edge of one of the objects shown in the images below and when changing from 1 to 2 segments it would cause a crash and corrupt the temp file that it saves out. I've tried duplicating the object, freezing normals and all history, setting to face normals, etc. The only solution I have found is to completely remodel the object, luckily this time it was a simple piece to a much larger object, but in future that may not be the case. I noticed there was a fix to poly segment bevel crashes in service pack 2 but that has not fixes this issue, any ideas?

The 2 objects have had all history deleted, freezed transforms, face normals the same, same poly, vert and edge count, but one can be bevelled with multiple segments and one causes a fatal error when I try to increase the edge segment over 1.