I made a simples sword, keeping the lowpoly vertex count really low... but im getting these strange artifacts arround the borders when i bake the hp in substance (or blender).
Im using 16x padding, x2048, tried with and without cage and AA. the model has sharp edges arround the seams in the borders.
I actually dont know if it is because the edges are a bit jagged, or if both faces are two close to eachother.
Tried making the hp borders smaller too with similar results..
also i tried scaling the models (hp/lp) since the originals where about 84cm tall.. so i scaled the hp/lp to 70m and i got this results after baking:
the artifact its less noticiable.. but i know im doing something wrong...
lastly here is the normal map and the material in the 2d plane:
srry the amount of images, hopefully i could get some help...
It's likely and issue where the lowpoly and high poly are not matching up perfectly.
also how can i improve the edge jaggines of my lowpoly models without altering their form too much?