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Marvelous Designer ?

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gnoop sublime tool
Is it better than what is available in modern 3d soft:   Max, Maya,  Blender?    I mean for static modeling .  Not only for  a human wear but also some tents ,  covers etc .
 I always model such things  by hand in Zbrush.   Have never been able to get truly real look from any Max or Blender simulation. It's always  somehow a bit off and low res.    Still modeling by hand takes some time and sometimes a real life model  or dummy as a reference to see 

Would Marvelous Designer be a time saver ?   From my short  try It looks not that easy to use,  pretty puzzling actually,   and the simulation is  not that much different from Blender for example.     Does it worth investing more time?  


  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    Marvelous Designer is a cloth simulation software and does not include any kind of modelling. So if you are going for a tent you should get the construction underneath the cloth modelled somewhere else and then import it into MD as an avatar/collider for the cloth you make there.

    So yes it is a time saver when it gets to cloth and achieves better results than any hand sculpting, but it doesn't replace neither 3D modelling software packages, nor ZBrush, since it only creates the large folds, but not memory folds or finer details.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    Could you compare it with Max cloth simulation or Blender or Maya maybe?    I am  just trying to figure out  would  I get something extra  learning another software.     Would it do some complicated things better?  For example a tent stretched over a pile of props and boxes with some corners protruding?
  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    I haven't use Maya cloth simulation since back in 2014 as a part of class and I have no experience with it in Blender nor 3Ds Max. I still think it is save to say it won't be a big addition to your toolbox if you just drop a blanket over some crates or create a tent - though I am not sure how performance heavy those things are in the 3d software packages. Marvelous excells in complex cothing, since it is made for cloth designing and it just gets 'abused' by our cg industry. So as along as you are doing just some simple things, that don't have stitching or complex forms, you probably are only going to make you pipeline more complex.

    You can still take the trail version and see how far it would speed you up. You can learn the basics probably within an hour and already be able to do more than a regular environment artist needs for his assets.

    For character creation on the other hand it is becoming quite essential and I don't think it can be replaced with any simulation coming from the 3D packages.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 7
    gnoop said:
    Could you compare it with Max cloth simulation or Blender or Maya maybe?    I am  just trying to figure out  would  I get something extra  learning another software.     Would it do some complicated things better?  For example a tent stretched over a pile of props and boxes with some corners protruding?
    i Learned a bit of marvelous I never did cloth sim in any other software like Maya but from what I've seen Marvelous is worth it to learn.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
     thanks for the comments, guys
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