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3ds Max physique+Biped problem (deforming mesh)

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eliris null
Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask;

  1. I have a model consisting of multiple meshes including are one upper body mesh and a lower body mesh.
  2. The mesh has a symmetry modifier and the left side is the main mesh, the right side is the result of the modifier.
  3. I assigned a biped to the model and added a physique modifier and edited the envelopes to have the same exact values so that things stay the same.
  4. When I "lift" the legs up, vertices/edges of the top and bottom meshes "glue" nicely and the mesh stays closed, but when I try with the right leg, the two meshes open up and split)
I have tried messing around with the envelopes and collapsing the symmetry modifiers but it still gives me the same problem.

Here attached is an image explaining the situation.
How should I go on about fixing this?


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