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Maltese Falcon Inspired Detective Office - UE4

polycounter lvl 8
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9Solid polycounter lvl 8
Hi Polycount! I was debating whether or not I should start a new thread, but since the focus of this work is on an Unreal Engine Environment instead of Zbrush like the last thread, I figured I should start fresh. The project itself is almost finished, but I'd some feedback and improvements that could be made before I animate cameras and create a video for it. So for now, I have some stills. My last thread building the Falcon was here.

The purpose of this project was to really delve deeper into what Unreal has to offer. I pushed my knowledge of lighting further, imported animated meshes for the first time and learned the particle system cascade. Along with some new techniques, visually I wanted to really go for the film noir aesthetic with high contrast lighting with only two real light sources. 


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