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3D Artist looking for Remote Work / Contract Work

polycounter lvl 8
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laduca polycounter lvl 8
Over the last year and a half I have been an associate art director for Disney Interactive. I have had the privilege to travel across the globe visiting teams who work with us on our games. I moved to Chicago 5 months ago to be with family and because of that I am departing with my team as of January 1st. I am actively looking for a remote full time or contract position within your company. My links are at the bottom of the page. Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking to each and everyone who contacts me.

Best Regards
Dan LaDuca  

"Dan has over a decade of experience in the video game industry, specializing in developing backgrounds and set design. As a natural leader, Dan easily transitioned from Environment Artist to Lead Artist and currently holds the position of Associate Art Director at Disney Interactive Studios. At Disney, Dan works with several development teams to produce quality products by streamlining production and providing content support. For those who know Dan both personally and professionally, art is his passion, and passion is his art. He dives head first into all projects, constantly pushes his already high standards and stays up-to-date with the latest design methods and software in the industry"

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