A simple sphere with another lower poly sphere as its wrap deformer:
I edit the vertices of the deformer:
As you can see, it gives ugly results when compared to a regular lattice.
Just for comparison, here is a "Mesh Deform" modifier in Blender, which is similar to a wrap, but seems to give much cleaner results:
Am I missing something? Is there another way to deform a mesh in maya with a custom made cage? Or is a wrap deformer the only way? I have also played with the other options on the deformer, each falloff mode gives equally bad results.
I use wrap fairly often for "weird" clothing morphs, usually in steps. It is the only way to use a custom cage, though sometimes you'll get better results with a lattice. Since the deformers get ugly quick, I'll go back over with sculpting brushes to fix the result- I'm usually using the deformers for very large deformations, like a rough first pass.
Is there anything specific you're trying to accomplish? fStretch is a wild ride for smooth deforms.
Thanks for the reply. Playing with those options does help me get a bit better results.
As for specifics, I'm trying to deform clothing to fit onto different bodies. each body has different topology and weighting to the skeleton. Usually I just do this manually, either by moving vertices or the grab sculpting brushes.