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Maya 2016 woes - Subdividing mesh when deleting history

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Torch polycounter
Hi guys, not sure if this has already been brought up, but having some issues with Maya 2016, I think specifically to do with Legacy default viewport - afaik this has already been brought up by a few other people but wondered if anyone had found a workaround.

When I'm working on a mesh, after I delete history on it it becomes subdivided, as I'm looking at a smooth preview. Even when I press '1' to go back to default view, I'm unable to view it as normal and it will stay as a smooth preview. If I switch to Viewport 2.0, it looks normal, but I prefer to work in legacy.

Has anyone come across this? 

Also, issue no #2, I've started learning about creasing in Maya recently and am starting to use it a lot more. Sometimes when I combine meshes that have creasing, the creases are lost - is there a way to retain them while combining with other meshes?

Any help appreciated :)


  • Torch
    Offline / Send Message
    Torch polycounter
    Shortly after posting I found a fix for the smoothing error in the viewport for anyone else having the issue, go to preferences > Modeling tab, and change the Subdivision method to: Maya Catmull-Clark , seems to have fixed it, maybe speaking too soon! 

    So my other issue is still prevalent, is there anyway I can retain creases when combining meshes? 

    Another issue came up while on the subject - when trying to bring creased meshes from Zbrush into Maya, my Go-Z plugin doesn't work. The workaround is I would subdivide 3-4 levels in Maya first, export to Zbrush and then reconstruct subdiv to get the lower subdiv levels back. Has anyone else experienced their Go-Z not working from Maya to Zbrush but found a way around this? Thanks :)

  • antweiler
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    antweiler polycounter lvl 8
    I also noticed, that the legacy viewport has issues with opensubdiv and other new stuff that was introduced after the introduction of viewport 2.0. Sorry cant help with #2
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    for #2 I can say that in 2016.5 sp1, combining meshes with creases works as expected, but I only did a quick test to see. I know i've had other issues with creases getting borked, check that your meshes are clean/sane first, so maya doesn't try to reorder indices before the combine. Or maybe try this script?
    e- no idea on the GoZ issue, other than possibly borked meshes. Maybe check hypergraph w/hierarchy to see if there's a ghost shape attached to your model.
  • Torch
    Offline / Send Message
    Torch polycounter
    Thanks for the replies guys - Still no luck figuring out the Go-Z stuff but throttlekitty, you were right on the latter versions - tested combined meshes with creasing in maya 2k17, works fine
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