Howdy Folks,
I've started working of a Space Marine Character Project as I'm a huge fan of the 40k Universe. I wanted to keep this project simple, but use it as a means of practicing hard surface modelling and texturing skin using PBR.
This Project is still in work in progress, but It's been a delight to work on this project, especially as I'm a huge fan of the 40k universe.
Please Feel to comment, any advice on improvement will be much appreciated

Progress so far:

Also now that I look at it again, that imperial fist reference seems off from the proportions of the other two.
Erasmus crafted a very well executed imperial fist for his lord inquisitor short.
Here is the 3d sample:
Thanks for pointing that out dude, much appreciated
Please feel free to leave more feedback when I post up more progress shots
I've gone back a step with the Space Marine's body. I got some great advice from my Mentor Del Walker. He advised that I spend time understanding the body type I was trying to create and not just copying reference. Thus, I'm spending more to establishing reference material and understanding how to interpret it in 3D.
There are still areas I need to work on (especially the proportions), but I'm learning a lot more about this body type.
Please Feel free to comment. Any feedback is much appreciated
I've made some alterations to his body yesterday, getting some great feedback from Del about the best areas to have flexed and relaxed muscles.
Now that I have the proportions and forms down, I can start refining. Of course the body will be hidden, but I want to learn and practice muscle definition.
Did a quick liquify to illustrate
Thanks for pointing this out, I'm glad you have. I haven't fixed this issue yet, but thanks to you I have a means of correcting it, much appreciated.
I'll post up the progress shots when I've completed it, please feel free to comment again.
Much appreciated
I think you could try making the neck way thicker, which should help avoid the big gap you have between the shoulder blades and the head.
See attached, and keep it up!
Thanks very much for the help, I see what you mean, yeah I think widening the neck is a good idea.
I'll give it a go and post updates. Please feel free to comment again.
It's been pretty slow progress this week, but I've been working on the hands of the space marine. I still need to work on the proportions and the head feedback that Linfo and Laurasuebeach made last week. Please Tell me your thoughts.
Next week I'll be working on the feet and getting the proportions for the body right, the arms need more refinement too. All feedback welcome.
Thanks very much for the advice, much appreciated. I'll be working on this today and next week and will post update shots.
Please feel free to comment again!
I extended the thigh and reduced the thickness of the wrists as Chronicle mentioned (thank you very much).
Taking on the feedback by Linfo and Laurasuebeach last week, I'm going to make the changes to the body this week so that the body will seem balanced instead of leaning backwards.
I used Liquify in photoshop to highlight where I need to make changes:
Will post Progress soon.
Your anatomy is really coming along and I am going to very much agree on the higher clavicle, the neck is starting to look very thin and long from my perspective.
Another thing that you may need to look into is that space marines have a plastic carapace underneath their chest with wiring that extends across the body (reference below), the plastic is inserted underneath the skin of the space marine's torso.
This may affect the overall look of the model, but if you choose this to be just an anatomy study then no worries. It all depends on how closely you want the character to follow 40k lore.
In addition I recommend to look at Erasmus's Grey Knights short for reference on how he approached the space marines anatomy and black carapace.
Hi Adrxzero,
Thank you very much for getting back to me, apologies for not getting back to you sooner.
Thank you very much, I'm in the process of making the alterations to the clavicle and neck area so that it will seem more in proportion to the rest of the body.
Here are some of my references for achieving this:
As for the Black Carapace, I'm glad you've pointed this out, as now I'm eager to learn the full anatomy of a space marine (More feedback from you would be greatly appreciated however). The carapace is something that I will incorporate later down the production line, but first I just want to nail the anatomy and proportions of the marine, before I begin adding implantation.
And yes, Erasamus' grey knight looks stunning! I feel that he has captured the intimidating form of an Astartes. I will aim to capture this with my dude, however I will relax some of the muscles, the abs, the calves etc, as I don't want to over do it.
Thanks very much Man, Please comment more when I post up more updates this week.
I've took a short break from this project over the past few weeks as the work hours have been getting more intense, additionally I've been giving more attention to my 'Brink' inspired bust to get it complete :
I revisited my reference for the body type of the Space Marine and realized Strongman 'Derek Poundstone' is perhaps one of the best references for a living Space Marine. (Referencing bodybuilder Gene for face)
I noticed there were a number of anatomical errors with body of the space marine since revisiting, he is very blobby!
I've decided to go back to a lower sub division and work back into the anatomical forms- to avoid blobbiness and disproportions later on. This means it might be a while before I start modelling the armour- but hey 'slow and steady gets you there faster'
As you can there are still tweaks I need to make for this chap, but I feel that the body structure is much more defined than what it used to be.
Tell me your thoughts Folks, all constructive feedback is welcome
I've made a number of improvements to the proportions, hopefully now he looks big and intimated as a Space Marine, as well as being accurate to Derek Poundstones' phisique.

With the body Proportions corrected, I can now start modelling the armour in 3ds max- Will post up progress shots of the armour as I go along. This is what I'll be going for:Hey Man. thanks for getting back to me dude, sorry for the late reply. I really appreciate this feedback- espicially as this is my first attempt at modelling a Space Marine so I wasn't quite sure how to make the armour optimized for a rig.
I'm glad you've pointed it out- I'm using a space marine model as reference but I'm still having a little trouble with the arm hole in the chest piece. I'm not sure whether to keep it a large hole or a small one (as seen in the 40k Space Marine game):
or 2.
I'm Still not quite sure at the moment, but I'm leaning more towards 1. as I think it will be better for rigging and will give him more room to move his arms when posed.
I'll try to find out what the arm hole looks like on the Space Marine shown in the previous post- but
Please tell me your thoughts and what you think will look better
I will still be working on this project in my spare time so please stay tuned
(Origin 'Sigismund of the 7th' by Diego Llorens)
Here is the goal:
I've been taking my time with this one, getting the proportions correct. here are some updates on the project:
Hey folks.
So I'm re-awakening this project again after a while of putting it to rest. Now, I'll be working alongside to my friend Max to make a small diorama based on the burning of Prospero story arch.
So this will include creating two characters from the HH tale, a thousand son and space wolf. Something along these lines:
So I kicked off the project by putting together a mood board in PureRef for both:
Thousand Son
Space Wolf
So from here on I'll be blocking out the 3d model of the space marine and then doing a paint over on top of the character to get an idea of the design before getting busy with unique/introcate details.
Hey Guys, so here's the basic blockout of the space marine, still needs a lot of clean up the topology is all over the place at the moment. Will be cleaning up this week and next week and then will move onto the paint overs.
This time round I tried to get the proportions right. I'm liking the sizing and weighting so far but always open to feedback as always :thumbs:+1:
Looks great so far, Keep it up!
Cheers dude!
Yo folks, I'm still working on the base mesh just plodding through trying to get the topology a lot better than the version prior to this:
Any feedback welcome
Hey Folks, So I did a little bit more of a clean up on the space marine mesh than I had before. This will be the stage before I begin adding high poly details. Feel free to feedback where appropriate.
Hey Folks , it's been a while since I posted up. There's been a change in the direction since the last post. Instead of going down the Horus Heresy route, I decided it would be simple and more enjoyable to make.
Looking forward to see this project made it through the final stage!
I've decided to F5 Reboot this project after seeing the epic Astartes videos on Youtube. I'm opting to go for an Imperial Fist instead of a blood angel.
@FakeFrenchGuy hey dude I take frequent breaks from this when motivation wanes, sometimes it is a lot just to focus on this, and I;ve just become a Dad! so i return back to this as an when I am able to
That is all very fair, congrats to you, hope everything is well
@FakeFrenchGuy thanks man yeah, love being a dad (minus the dirty nappies)