Hey Folks,
Last Week I started working on this Character Bust in the style of one of my favorite video games Brink!
Of Course, this is still a work in progress but It has been great to explore this unique style. Please Tell me your thoughts.
All comments Welcome

As you can tell, there are areas on that need attention, I certainly need to smoothen some of the pointy areas and fix the brows.
Please feel free to comment, I would love to know how you think I can improve on this.
Thanks for pointing this out! Feel free to comment again, when I upload progress.
I tried to take into consideration ArtofMars's feedback on 3/4 view today. Now although it still has flaws, I'm starting to see improvement from this angle as opposed to just front and side views.
Please Feel free to comment and add feedback on where you think I can improve, all is Welcome
The biggest thing that's jumping out to me right now is the eyes. The transition from the brow to the upper eyelid & the transition from the tear duct to the arch of the nose in particular. The general shape of the eyes feels off to me as well. I hope you don't mind, but I did a quick paint-over to show what I'm on about. Good luck!
And Feel free to comment anytime
I've made some alterations to the past taking in Sebeuroc's advice. I still need to work on the eye area a lot more, but I think I've got the mouth and cheek areas down.
Please feel free to comment, any tips for improvement are much appreciated
Here are some updates on the bust, I've moved up a sub. division and been working into the eye area a lot more. I still don't think I've nailed the eye area, but I think I have the proportions captured correctly.
Please Tell me your thoughts and where you think I can improve on the bust, all feedback is much appreciated.
Anatomy wise, I feel like the area above the upper lip is too spongey. There are no real plane changes indicating the shape of the mouth and it should be mostly flat as it descends down from the nose towards the mouth.
I think the back of your jaw is too round and bubbly. I would go over it with flatten and run it up towards the cheeks, making sure you keep the defining line between the jaw and the neck.
Keep going man.
Thanks very much for the feedback, it's much appreciated.
I agree the bust is starting to look a quite muddy. I am using a Basemesh that I modelled in 3ds max and I've been working up the sub.divisions. I currently prefer working from a base mesh as it makes the process of unwrapping, retopologizing and texturing a lot more time efficient for me.
I'm currently working on sub division 4 at the moment, would you recommend going down a division and refining the structure a bit more, or do you think I can keep going with this sub division?
I agree the lip on the bust, could certainly use some attention, I am considering using planar human references for this stage. do you have any recommendations?
Yes, thanks for pointing this out, the jaw is beginning to look very muddy and could certainly use flattening and smoothing. But I'll keep defining the jaw to make it look right.
As My primary source of reference is the concept I've been given, do you have any/ could you send any real human reference that you think would help me with this piece?
Thanks a lot man, feel free to comment again when I post updates
Please tell me your thoughts, would love to hear what you think.
I've made some progress since my last post, Lucospade made a number of good points for improvement which I took on board.
I still need to clean him up, but I've added some more detail to the mesh, defined the jaw line more and tried to get the right shape of the eyes.
This time I paid close attention to the lower lid crease and fat stores, namely, the Malar fat area.
I will be cleaning up the muddy areas and working on the lips this week, Would love to hear your thoughts, any feedback much welcome.
Keep up the good work!
Ouran@: Thank you very much for the feedback, I agree with you, my eyelids were too thin and did not reflect the muscles and tendons passing under the ski, tarsal plates, palpabral fissure, pre-tarsal fat etc. I've made a few changes to the eye and added more thickness.
Abrvpt@ Hey man, thanks very much for your advice, It is true a man with a nose as big as the one I have for my character should show more structure. I took your advice on board and worked into the nose a bit more. I must admit, I don't think I've truly nailed it yet. However, I've made a note of it and I look forward to refining this lesson in my next character.
Here are some Progress shots:
Lucospade@: Hey man, thanks for advice, I have low subdivision that I think I will work from and refine in 3d-coat for the retopology phase. however, if this doesn't work I will consider using re-meshing.
I think I'm going to stop the sculpting phase here. Of course, there are still areas I could improve on however, I feel like this would be a never ending cycle. I have learned from these areas and I look forward to rectifying them in my next project, but for now I'm happy with my progress.
Please feel free to provide any critique for improvement, all feedback welcome.
Following the completion of the sculpt of this bust, I figured it would be a good idea to create a mask for the Character to wear. There are so many cool designs of Headgear in Brink
I really liked the designs of the DIY water bottle tear gas masks used by Turkish protestors, So I figured I'd use this as my main source of inspiration for the mask:
So I gave it a go:
Please tell me your thoughts guys
Don't lurk. Post your art. Get skewered, and get better.
I'm new to polycount lmao