hello community,
i am working on a scene to design,
i am using ivy plugin for 3dsmax and i want to bake the generated
ivy on a plane.
but after rendering an alpha channel (or any other map) the alpha texture of ivy's wont generate in the render.
i mean look at this :
it is clear that the planes are covering each other in the alpha channel.
what is the solution ? thanks in advance.
For example, I want to render an AO/shadow map on hair cards by using my alpha from UVset1 and rendering shadow information onto a texture with cards fully layed out on UVset2. I have not found a way to do this in Maya, but I have had success in 3DSmax by rendering a CompleteMap with the Render to Texture feature. Max will take into account the transparency on a material when rendering shadows.
I really wish their was a way to do this in Maya as well.