I'm not as good at anatomy in zbrush as I'd like to be. I'm going to devote two hours a day to working on it. I really enjoy drawing people, and I'm pretty confident doing it, and I want to be just as confident in 3D. This is going to be one of them long term threads. SO Please critique along the way.
Edit: I"m just going to use this thread to post every new model i finish. and i"ll post all my WIPS in my sketchbook in the sketchbook thread. I dont want to over saturate the air waves with a ton of WIPS

http://polycount.com/discussion/173902/sketchbook-paul-miller#latest Most current image

I appreciate it amigo. Yeah its just gonna take hard work, time, dedication, and making sure i learn from my mistakes haha.
PS: I forgot to hit "post reply" ! I'm sorry dude. I dont like to make it a habit of not replying to people
Also heres the art station post for more images and a Viewer file.
Critiques MOre than welcomed, please do so. I'd like to know where I can improve on for the next time.
Going back and taking a few of the things I've learned recently to redo a model I really enjoyed a while back. I'm addressing some concerns i got at GDC, namely.
The polycount was too high. (They weren't kidding, I had the original model at over 30k polys. I got it down to 11k, and it looks better now IMO.).
the texture wasn't varied enough.
It needs to be presented better.
SO the next thing I"m going to do is mess with the presentation, and try to copy what some successful people have done.
Hair is ultimately the one thing i'm worried about, So I think i'm going to take this week, to figure out how the hell to do it, before I bust open this model to sculpt again.
part of the head piece for that mummy character
Trying to keep it down to only the big updates in this thread, and the more frequent WIP images int he sketchbook. But yeah still chuggin along. Choo choo.
I think the eyes are sort of a weird shape, I would remove t he eyeliner as a seperate object and make them lashes. The face has some weird shapes on it. Definitely make sure you understand and show the cheekbones and how they interact with the cheeks. How the lips fold over each other is important too (the top typically creases over the bottom lip in an interesting shape), the chin and muscles around the mouth do some interesting things there too
she's coming across as cross eyed right now, be careful about that
the hair is looking pretty good, but make sure that you detail the top and back as well as you detailed the front
Based off some critiques including the one you see above.
With normals applied even.
Yet, in Painter it looks fine...
This seems like a bush league issue, but for the life of Me I can not figure out what the problem is. THought I was smoothing the normals in Modo but I guess not? Woof, Maybe I"ll be able to solve this tomorrow, until then I"m going to bed...
so I fixed one problem then ran into several more , ambiguous and completely solvable problems. I'm still following hevs lead on this. imnreallynglad they shared a breakdown because that's intensely helpful.
anywho gonna work on making the face and hair look like Hev did, this weekend. then following up with some hair cards to add more volume.
NOt where I want it to be, but i'v elearned a lot so far.
things that are bothering me:
1. It feels ultra plasticy in the face.
2. I guess faceting on the hair isn't the worst thing on the planet. The hair doesnt look detailed enough. SO I guess i'll try painting in more hair strands? I"m really not sure what to do for it.
3. Eyelashes look weird, so i'm going to take a good look at Hevs piece (Diver girl) and really figure out whats going on in there,
4. I wanted the green to be this marble kind of material, but i'm not sure i got that right. SO going to have to check out that reference again.
A few things ive learned
-How to turn down the saturation in Marmoset, and Substance, so ican look at my material values. and wow I'm mad i couldnt figure that out before, but it sure does help.
-SCulpt the hair exactly how you want it. That would have saved me some time on the end.
-I'm not sure if this is a rule, but i figure you dont want to be adding thigns at the end of your project ( in my case, eye lashes) so model it on from the jump or atleast think about that stuff.
Think i'm done with the high poly I"m diggin' it so far. I"m thinking i can get the LP done by the end of the week. I'm gonna be generous with the polys too.
I think you've advanced a lot since that first post!
The squig is looking pretty good so far, just try to push the textures as far as you can.
EDIT: you might want to edit the first post and add a more recent image, might get you more views and replies
-also, thanks on the Squig, yeah. I'm really excited to see what i can do on this joker.
-I hadn't thought of that (changing the first image) thanks for the advice.
Callin it for now, I'll come back and revisit these textures, but i wanna move on and use my new skills on a new project.
MOre WIPS in the sketch book
The Squig is awesome too, I think I prefer it with the simpler texturing you did in your first pass though, but super cool either way.
I havent figured out how to get really sweet renders out of zbrush yet, so I mainly just use it to show any changes in the model, not really to present things. Ive seen some awesome shots though, so I've gotta figure out how to make zbrush images look really nice.
Thanks about the Squig too. Yeah I think i feel you a bit. I was really trying to see how far I could push it while still making it look cartoony. I dont think it was "bad" but i definitely learned a lot from my mistakes on that one.
What would you suggest for some more imperfections? I figured I could get that done in the texture and wha tnot, but i'm more than open to suggestions. You saying more wrinkles would do it?
Till blocking this joker out. I'm using a few different methods to get the results I want. I"m really just doing what ends up being the most efficient for whatever piece in the end. I'm not Sub-d Modeling pieces unless I have to. I'm defiantly going to have to do that for the head though. Still haven't figured that part out.
Gonna try to keep the posts here to once every 3-4 days. All of the WIPs are gonna stay in the other thread. (sketchbook). Not sure if i made that clear. Womp womp.
Crits Welcome ofc
I'm calling it on this one for now. Turns out i really enjoy making robots!
I"m trying to focus on the hands, but somethings throwing me off. Like, it looks lumpy, but i'm not sure if thats just me or not. More work on it tonight should rectify it, but in the meantime can I get some thoughts?
still blocking this joker out. I think maybe i can start detailing this month, but i’d rather not rush it. I just found another piece of reference to use, as for quality bar, the female illidan done by agelessap. they basically already did what i’m trying to do, so i’m gonna emulate them from this point on