So i've ripped a car model from csr racing 2 and the program that exports the model, exports as .fbx. I import the .fbx into 3ds max and the model looks perfect. When I go to export as .obj it crashes. But when I edit as poly the model's smooth mesh surface turns low poly with no smooth surface. Yes its already low poly but the surface becomes unsmooth. I try to make it smooth again but theres no way it will let me get it as smooth and perfect without normals issues. After doing all of that it lets me export fine. But its just messy. Ive tried to edit normals and reset the normals but it gets unsmooth again and if I add a smooth modifier it looks horrifying. Any ideas?
Second example with edit poly -
Try add an edit normal modifier on top, and break all normals, collapse all to an editable poly and try redo smoothing groups.
Additionally, export and reimport as an obj.
But you can load the file in Max.
I would suggest you enable Backface Culling, Reset Xforms, Collapse, use Edit Normals to reset the vertex normals, use Editable Poly to remove floating vertices, and remove unused UV vertices. You can also use Xview to check the model.
Editable mesh however does support that. Trouble is, Editable Mesh allows you to really fuck up your model if you're not careful. It also lacks the nice newer modeling tools in Editable Poly.