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My amateur demoreel

polycounter lvl 6
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gerardpd polycounter lvl 6
Hi, I'm a student of videogame 3D design.
This are some of my demoreel.
Feel free to give me tips to improve my job!!



  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Do you have screenshot breakdowns of Kerrigan and the Hydralisk as well?
  • gerardpd
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    gerardpd polycounter lvl 6
    I just have my 3d models. 
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    This is my preference for portfolios, but unless you have an animation or VFX, etc. that demands a video, it's a lot quicker to have your character models in still images.  Allows browsing and observing your work to be much quicker for most people.

    Demo reels, they just end up being more obtuse than images a lot of times.  Like for Demo Reel 3, I immediately silenced the music because of how distracting it was instead of being more about ambiance.  I like dubstep, but not like this.

    Right now, it's clear you're a stronger modeler, but hard to tell if you're stronger at characters than environments, or vice versa.  I appreciate the variety.  The VFX thing with the flaws and purple portal needs to go; it's the weakest piece you have atm.

    Speaking to characters, there's still a lot of anatomy stuff you need to nail down.  Your humans look off in mostly the head.  Good that you have game ready characters.  Hydralisk and Kerrigan suffer from either material accuracy or interesting textures; they are all reading pretty flat (no shiny saliva, etc.)
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