I will atempt to finish my First 3d model ever by choosing a Character from my book. The Character is named Rabbit-Fire and is fluffy on the outside and hard on the inside.
He is a Pink bunny rabbit. Stuffed and teddy bear looking. except he isn't stuffed at all.
He is a Robot Cyborg Created by the person simply known as "The Toymaker" A menacing person who takes joy in replacing parts from robots and mechanical entities without powering them down. A.I Torture to be frank. He have maimed and disassembled many many cpu`s though his career. Then one day he pushed Rabbit-Fire too far and Rabbit Simply wouldn't have it anymore. So after the fire died out in the laboratory and what was left of the once so fluffy looking Rabbit escaped he was badly injured and in need of spare parts. He was picked up by another Traveler who took him in, the crazy Gung-Ho kind of trouble he was.
I will use Maya, Photoshop, Mudbox, Charactor Creator and iClone to Model, Texture and animate my Little Fur-Nut. (Because my Character isnt that tall he dont seem to be that easy to model in Character Creator
I will keep you posted.
I Started by removing the leg and arm as they need to be replaced by Robo parts. Then i changed the nose to seem more rabbity toyish. i will use a stencil in mudbux to add details to that easily later. Then i started removing body areas where the cyborg chest needs to show and i made it rough edges because it is not a clean line. its a burned area i will make. then i extruded the lines to make a shell of the body instead of a paper thing shell. this will help me create better 3d effects seing as the "Skin layer" is going to be torn.
The project seems alot bigger than when i started but i dont mind a challenge.
I created a basic bunny ear by extruding 4 squares on the head a few times and then changing the angle and radius as i went along. Next part will be to create the robot chest, arm and legs and create the fur effect on the skin in mudbox. the CC really did save me about 10 hours or so doing all the body work so i am glad i gave it a try.
Here we Go 50 Caliber Leg going to be attatched to the remainder of the upper leg rotary dics. Im going to add some bandage or duct tape on the metal pilers on the bullet and i will add more detail to the Skull, Torso, Leg, and so on as soon as i reclosed the holes in the bunny parts and removed the last gazillion unused faces. i guess i messed up there. damn you extrude.....
anyways. To do list :
Fix nose to look bunnylike. Add bunny teeth. add Whispers. Add Robo Eye, Add tail. Make nails long and more animal like. Fix holes in the bunny part to look more realistic and not so edgy. Add butterfly. once this is all done i can export it to mudbox and add:
Fur like effect, Stitches, panel effects on metal, stratches, burned edges and texture it.
Next step after this is rigging and animating. I hope i will have enough time. but hopefully Iclone will save my abs... I belive in you Iclone!!!!!
Added a bowtie. finished the Arm and Leg cyborg parts. Then i got this bad ass result for the faceaswell. later today i will do the uvmap and then do the details of the model like fur and stitches again. and paint the model.
http://tinypic.com/r/2cwrb0m/9]View My Video
Cant seem to add a video like the pictures
1. First i created the idea about how my model should look on paper.
2. Then i used Character Creator to greatly save me time by making a male model i then used as a shell for the rabbit part of my model.
3. Then i deleted what i didnt need and added ears and other features in Maya 2016. here i also created the robot parts like the skull, torso and the bullet leg.
4. Mudbox then helped me create finer details and also textured the models in mudbox.
5. Then i uploaded my model to Mixamo and after some issues got the animations i wanted downloaded.
(here i had alot of issues due to Mixamo dont want to load fbx files made from mudbox only from maya. this i didnt know until after a week of issues. Also my model was 4x the size mixamo allows so i had to reduce alot of details unfortunately)
6. I added the model and animations into maya. (here i discovered that rendering a simple turntable animation would require 3000 frames and 3 days to render.)(so instead i recorded it straight from Maya)
7. i Patched my videos together with VSDC Video editor and added sounds and music to the videos. (i added 2 diffrent ones just to be safe)
8. Uploaded the videos to Youtube and Done.!
This project could have been finished alot faster but most my time was spend on getting programs to work together or work at all. only one i didnt have an issue with was actually Character Creator. I have learned so much from this project and even if i dont win i had alot of fun with it and learned more than i had thought i would. Here is my final pictures and two videos i have uploaded. I will now send my files and accept i finished in time
Turn table video link :
Funny Sales Pitch: