Hi there,
I am playing with a new tool ... called Modo.
Well the tool is not really new, but I had no reasons to work with it in the past, so I'll give it a try. My point of interest is the strong boolean tool and the fast modeling process. My main modeling tool is currently 3dsMax but maybe I take a deeper look into Modo and I like the results I switch completely. So, this Thread is some kind of progress blog where I will post my latest Modo works.
Let's get started with my first model ... a Lightsaber Handle

and the model after a few changes and texturing magic .....

Highpoly is almost done, next step UV and bake ^^
What was you reason for switching? How did you learn the software? Was/is it hard for max users to learn it in short time?
It is still hard work for me to recieve my old modeling speed, because I miss my knwon commands for some modeling functions like swift loop. The viewport handling is pretty easy to learn, I can model with a wacom tablet
Oh by the way, this is my updated crate. the model is done. Next UV!
UV'ing in modo is a breeze; let me know if you run into any hangups.
I try to work with mirror instance, but I get this strange result.
I use instance, scale the axes into negative space, works fine.
Warren Marshall: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5dRrOarPI6ufGWsabG28FQ/videos
Darrel Anderson (MeshFusion stuff mostly): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm0eInZakuzX4sEGcMO4c5w/videos
Dominik (tons of tips and tricks): https://www.youtube.com/user/dominiekdr/videos
Peter Stammbach (lots of modelling tuts to get your familiar with the tools): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ2NYo3MqqKi96TqQyl5_jQ