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Clone multiple texture channels in Substance Painter?

polycounter lvl 12
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petemc polycounter lvl 12
I'm cleaning up some dodgy scans at the moment, there are large holes in some surfaces which need to be patched up and have textures cloned in to make up the missing detail from the good bits. Ideally I'd like to do the clone stamping in a 3D package, Mudbox is great for that but it only allows one channel at a time, this can lead to discrepancies between the channels. My question is, would Substance painter allow me to import a model and it's partial textures (albedo, AO and normal map) and clone out the missing areas on each texture simultaneously?

I could paint strokes to an action in Photoshop but I'd ideally need to paint it in a 3D package.

Many thanks,


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