Of interest to most who will read this thread, I wrote an extensive
tutorial that covers this topic and many other common baking issues.
It's geared towards baking in Toolbag, but most of the Basics and Best
Results sections apply universally. Check it out on the Marmoset site: https://www.marmoset.co/posts/toolbag-baking-tutorial/
---This is an issue that pops up more and more frequently these days. Now that many engines/renderers are finally using synced normal map workflows, the weaknesses in our pipeline become easier to spot.
First off, what is bit depth and why is it important? Bit depth refers to how many values an image can store. A 24 bit image can store 8 bits, or 256 values of information per channel. From this point forward, if I say 8, 16 or 32 bit, assume I mean per channel. 256 values are usually enough for content like diffuse, specular or gloss maps because these maps tend to use up a broader range of the value spectrum.
Tangent space normal maps, on the other hand, tend to use a much narrower value range. Worse yet, the more similar the low poly surface is to the highpoly, the more precious the bit depth precision gets, as the difference that is recorded the between the high and low poly normals (which is essential for accurate shading) is very small, often to a degree lower than 1/256th, which is the most precise value that can be stored in an 8 bit texture.
So here we have the perfect storm, a lowpoly object with smooth curves that very closely matches the surface of the highpoly, with a fully reflective glossy material.

If we bake an 8 bit map with a baker that does not dither the result (eg, xNormal and Maya) we get stair-stepping artifacts where the texture can’t record precise enough values.

If we increase our bit depth to 16 in xNormal by baking a TIFF file, we get a much smoother, cleaner result.

So, if 16 is good, 32 bit must be better, right? In theory yes, however, in practice its not generally the case. Here we have a 32 bit map, and we can see there is essentially zero difference between the 16 and 32 bit bakes.

Storage space is trivial these days, so why wouldn’t you always bake with 32 bit? Well, first off, the difference typically is not noticeable. Secondly, its difficult to work with 32 bit files from bakes to final texturing (many features are disabled in PhotoShop in 32 bit mode), you can, if so inclined, with 16 bit files. Thirdly, converting from 32 bit to 16 or 8 bit space is more prone to user error (by default, when you convert from 32 bit image to 16 or 8 bit, you will be presented with tone mapping options in photoshop, which is something you never want to do to a normal map).
What about in game? 16 and 32 bit file formats are simply not supported (or at least not commonly used due to texture memory constraints) by most game engines. So, at the end of the day you most likely need to output a 8 bit file. Starting from 16 or 32 bit source allows the content to be dithered while down-sampling. Dithering adds noise which breaks up the stair stepping pattern. You might not like the noisy look, but it usually looks way better than banding/stair stepping. Additionally, most assets won’t have perfectly smooth mirror-like surfaces, so it’s unlikely the noise will be noticed in the final product. I’ll mention Max here, as Max dithers when baking out 8 bit files, so if you bake in Max you really don’t need to worry about any of this (unless you want to generate cavity, ao, etc maps from your normal map, then having a higher bit depth file is handy).

Now, lets look at a real world asset. Here is a sword I modeled recently.

Yet again, baking to a higher bit depth helps to remove banding, and down-converting to 8-bit dithers the result to more effectively cram the values into the 8 bit space.
Now, to maintain a bit of perspective, take particular note of the final textured shot with 8-bit (undithered) normal map. What were previously very obvious and annoying artifacts have gone away almost entirely. You can still see some issues here and there if you know where to look, but in game/motion and viewed from a reasonable viewing distance you would be very hard pressed to tell. This doesn’t even take into account the horrors that texture compression will play on your normal map.
One final image to help visualize why this happens. Here I've increased the contrast of the normal map significantly to expose the problem. Even pushed to this extreme level, which you would never do in production, the 16 bit map holds up relatively well.

It's great to get this written down for people. 16bits FTW!
I just wanted to chime in real fast and note that the banding can appear on areas with low curvature in addition to the high curvature examples that Joe made above (though his examples are more than adequate). Mainly so people don't assume because their asset doesn't have large curves makes it immune to such banding.
Also for those who are interested the maximum amount of unique values per channel for each bit depth are listed below:
- 8bit Integer: 256 Values
- 16bit Integer: 65536 Values
- 32bit Integer: 4294967295 Values
- 16bit Float: 65536 Values
- 32bit Float: 4261412864 Values
Normal maps are only 0-1 so the float values are only there for completeness and when baking height maps for which there is a big difference between 16 and 32bit.As you said HDR panos and height maps do require vastly increased precision but baking 32bit int for normal maps does seem a little overkill
just to chime in here, the last 3 clients i've worked with have requested 16-bit normals. i know two of those clients are using them in game that way, not sure about the third one. in any case, i think you'll start seeing this trend on all of the real big AAA shit as developers deal with the texture memory problem.
1. Load your 16 bit map up in Photoshop, go to mode -> 8 bit. Thats it, resave the file and you'll have your dithered 8 bit map.
2. You can sort-of dither from an 8 bit source. First, bake at 2x the resolution, then open it in photoshop, set it to 16 bit (mode -> 16 bit), then resize it to half, and then convert back to 8 bit. This will dither to a degree, but is not as good as baking in 16 bit.
Really there isn't much reason not to bake in 16 bit. You don't need to create all your textures in 16 bit, you can simply bake the normal map in 16 bit and convert it to 8 bit right away.
I find that quite encouraging. Even if we don't see a move toward 16bit in game I think we will at least see a trend of compression moving over to newer DX10/11 formats such as BC5 rather than the legacy DXT awfulness that engines have used in the past.
Just save the image in photoshop after converting from 16bit to 8bit
You wouldn't tbh. Sure, you could add dithering noise to the bake after the fact but it would be much easier and faster to bake at 16bit natively.
Yeah, I should clarify by saying that 16 bit textures aren't supported by most standard compression methods, which is a big reason why they aren't used. Really there is no technical reason why they can't be used, they just take up a lot more texture memory, which will be less of an issue going forward. I could see 16 bit normal maps being viable for hero assets, or for say a car game or something like that where the primary assets are the sort of worst case scenario, though those sort of models often skip normal maps entirely.
8 bit R and G channels the B & A channel are dropped on import.
As developers (finally) drop DX9 BC5 and BC7 become very appealing compression methods for using 16bit textures. Although BC7 is DX11 only
The reason is that conversion from uncompressed to compressed normals can do a better job when the uncompressed version is as accurate as possible. This way you aren't daisy-chaining two lossy processes (conversion to 8-bit followed by compression), you only have one lossy step (compression of the true signal). This sometimes requires special tools as many texture compressors don't take high precision inputs.
Since it came up: compressed sizes for various D3D compression formats are 1/2 byte per pixel for DXT1 and BC4, and 1 byte per pixel for everything else (compare this with 3 bytes per pixel for 8-bit RGB). This includes the newer BC5 through BC7 formats.
One last note about the precision of 8-bit normals - it's even worse than you'd think, because generally they only store unit vectors. Picture a cube representing the full RGB color space, now imagine a sphere perfectly contained within it. The surface of that sphere is the space of possible normals, but the rest of the volume, both inside and outside the sphere, is wasted - the colors in those locations do not represent unit normals.
It was really needed.
Here is the result of my 16Bit tiff dithered to 8Bit tiff.
Though the 16Bit tiff itself had a lighting problem in Toolbag2.
Anyone know of a way to make the noise look better?
Thanks again.
I don't really get what you mean by that, can you explain it a bit further, please?
As mentioned by EarthQuake, 3ds Max dithers the normal maps, even if exporting in 8 bpc. Why is that? Do I have to test this behaviour for every software now or is it better to export maps in 16 bit manually to convert them to 8 bpc afterwards?
Do I really have to convert them, or am I safe to use 16 bpc Normal maps inside the engine? Does it increase the size that much?
If you -are- saving all three coordinates, you can use Crytek's method of optimising the length of the normal to improve the direction. This works by finding the length that gives the most directionally accurate normal, after quantization. They use a cubemap lookup-table for this to make it fast enough for realtime. See p38 and forward in the following presentation: http://www.crytek.com/cryengine/presentations/CryENGINE3-reaching-the-speed-of-light
The tradeoff is that when using the normalmap, you need to normalize the vector which is more math per normalmap-sample. Oh, and you can of course still dither the result after length-optimisation
Actually, thats not really here nor there when it comes to banding. Less contrasty gradients typically will have more issues with banding as the values are more subtle and require more precision.
Right, it was intentionally contradictory. Its meant simply to maintain perspective, sometimes all the little things that we obsess over when viewing assets untextured matter much less in the end result. Still, I would recommend baking in 16 bit and down-converting because there are no real disadvantages and it only takes a few seconds extra to do it. It's also better to have 16 bit source for generating accompanying cavity maps and such in programs like dDo or Knald.
However, we tried 16bit PSDs at work for a bit, and it was pretty insane. They were pretty ridiculous to try and work with/save rapidly. Especially when we have to open sometimes 12 PSDs for a single asset. You might waste 10min or more just in saving a few things at a time. Well, then HDD space, lol.
But that does look much nicer.... damn.
We had to go back to 8bit though unfortunately from the time sink and space. Photoshop had to be restarted probably 20 times a day to stop maxing out Ram and keep useable performance.
Even on 8core Machines with 32GB of ram and a higher end GPU.
And because I think my questions got a bit lost, here is my post again:
As mentioned by EarthQuake, 3ds Max dithers the normal maps, even if exporting in 8 bpc. Why is that? Do I have to test this behaviour for every software now or is it better to export maps in 16 bit manually to convert them to 8 bpc afterwards?
Do I really have to convert them to 8bpc, or am I safe to use 16 bpc Normal maps inside the engine? Does it increase the size that much?
Yeah, getting rid of the gradients is the only real way to avoid banding entirely.
More tests.
Here, a cube with edge bevels with varying geometry density, both show banding, the major difference being the specific pattern. Without banding, a cube with all edges set to hard shows no banding as there there is no gradient at all and no precision concerns.
Interestingly, converting the 16bit file to 8 bit to dither the result adds noise to the hard edge cube's normal map as well, introducing artifacts that don't specifically need to be there. I wonder if baking out of Max natively gives the same dithering result or if it does a better job.
Yeah, me personally, I'm not a proponent of the "everything must be 16 bit" workflow. I know some guys swear by creating all their PSDs in 16 bit, but it's significantly less efficient in terms of resource,s especially if you're working with big files, and only shows clear and obvious benefits with certain map types like normals and displacement. For diffuse/spec/gloss, unless you're doing very heavy value/levels editing, you're not generally going to see any difference.
Though again, you can still bake your normal map in 16 bit, use that to generate any secondary maps, and immediately convert to 8-bit when you start actually texturing. This is what I generally do.
Here are a variety of files to play with, both the high and low files for each of the test cases meshes I've created and a variety of baked maps. These are all baked with XN, so set tangent space to XN if previewing in TB2. Also of note, in 2.06 the tiff loader is broken and won't import 16/32 bit files correctly, this is fixed in our internal 2.07 release, however, you can resave those files as .PSDs and they will load the correct bit depth.
Whether or not you can use 16 bit files directly in engine depends on the type of file formats/compression your game supports and the texture constraints of your project. If in doubt, talk to an engineer or technical artist.
It also mentions storing 16 bit normal maps in 8bit 3dc through encoding improvements and the same for DXT1 via "tonemapping" or histogram renormalization. It's rather old and not that relevant anymore now that BC1/BC5 are supported.
- slide 59 has an example of dithering the normals to the gbuffer during deferred rendering.
I didn't realise dithering was just a vague noise applied uniformly across the image, though - I thought it was a bit smarter than that.
Importantly, it is a vague noise applied to the high-precision source image, before quantization
Big Thank you! It's great you share it with us.
The only thing I am complaining... I think the low poly model of the arc-shaped object is missing in your files.
Sorry about that, re-download the file and you should get everything.
I once saw an excellent illustration for this, but I can't seem to find it anywhere now. Anyway its hard to explain without pictures to someone unfamiliar with the math, but I'll give it a shot.
So picture a cube that is the full 8-bit RGB color space (each axis corresponding to R, G, and B respectively, and varying from 0 to 255). This cube contains all possible 8-bit colors. There are 256*256*256 = 16,777,216 such colors.
Now, normal maps can be encoded in this color space. Normal vectors (each pixel in the normal map) are just sets of 3 values, x,y and z, which denote a surface direction. So these vectors are usually encoded by mapping -1.0 to +1.0 onto the 0 to 255 range (so that -1.0 maps to 0, and +1.0 maps to 255).
A quick example - say we have a surface normal of {0.0,1.0,0.0}, which is just the +Y axis. This is encoded in the 8-bit RGB space as {127,255,127}.
For the purposes of rendering, these normals usually need to be "unit" vectors, e.g. of length 1. This means that x*x + y*y + z*z = 1 (some of you may recognize this as the equation for a sphere). So if we look at all the RGB values which fit this equation, we end up getting a spherical subsample of our RGB cube. It actually ends up covering about 3% of the possible RGB values as I recall.
So in short, about 97% of the full RGB color space simply goes unused when normals are encoded in this way. There are other ways of doing things, but this is a very common way to treat normal map data.
So what I'm wondering now is if there's a better solution for converting down to 8 bit? Especially after seeing the breakdown with the cubes. Or at least a smarter method in Photoshop.
- could be this one from the Crytek presentation, http://www.crytek.com/cryengine/presentations/CryENGINE3-reaching-the-speed-of-light
- have been wanting to try this out for a while.
First we have DXT1 which has been the de-facto standard in normal map compression for years and is RGB/0.5 bytes per px
Next we have BC5 (3Dc) which is 2x greyscale channels/1 byte per px
It's pretty obvious that DXT1 fails miserably even with a 16bit source.
BC5 (3Dc) on the other hand performs extremely in all cases with the 8 and 16bit images all looking almost exactly the same as the source images.
The extra quality does come at a cost however as BC5 is 2x the cost of DXT1, but with the extra memory that is available with this generation this isn't such a trade off any more.
Cool beans.
In the attached image you can see how the UVs are messed up. I want to try a bit with the normal maps and so on but I don't know how to fix this or if I do something wrong.
Besides that, I would bring the mesh into Toolbag and assign the Normal maps, change the Tangent Space of the Object (if needed) and make it 100% Gloss and Reflective, is that correct?
I appreciate any help, thanks
Yea, they look pretty much identical at half res (25%). which is pretty cool when you think that last gen the only option for this kind of quality was pretty much using an uncompressed 8bit texture at 25% of original size so it matches the footprint of DXT1. BC5 is still larger than DXT1 and uncompressed at half res but the quality is much better ofc.