Hey there,
So I have been working on a scene consisting of multiple props and textures. As I have completed all my models, I wanted to get the scene set up to a very basic level but on doing so I have come across a few small issues.
I have compiled some slides in IMGUR to show you guys whats going on here.
http://imgur.com/a/fu1zpAll the writing and explanation is with the link in case your wondering where the information is :pleased:
Hope some people are willing to give me a hand here.. Its been a while. Taking the dust off!
Just reset everything to 0,0,0 in UE and your scene will be exactly as it is in Max.
Also, in 4.12 I believe you can export an entire Max scene but I haven't tested it myself.
Im not sure how to reset all the pivots in UE.. I only know of the alt MMB temporary movement of the pivot points but I dont get the right click option to save them.
Am I going about this in the wrong way? Should I be constructing the scene completely in max and then importing the entire scene?
I have been attempting to get the scene set up separately and have all the pieces individually imported and placed so I can just re-import them whenever they are updated which would allow for a nice workflow, At least thats my thought process..?
Whenever I'm learning a new application I get the basics down and then just brute force the learning from there. Work on simple projects/scenes, run into something I haven't yet learned, search the docs(UE4 documentation is excellent) or google it. It's a lot quicker than posting on a forum.
I would approach a scene like this in the exact same way. I'll set everything up in Max as it's WAY quicker to set build for me there, and then just use the script I linked.
UE is great for updating assets so you can just iterate in Max, resave, update in UE.
From the Docs:
"With Full Scene Importing you can now take that environment you’ve already constructed in Max / Maya / Blender and import the entire scene into a level in the editor.
A new Scene FBX asset is created for your environment so that you can re-import it allowing iteration on the environment as well. An early version was available in 4.11 supporting only scenes containing static meshes. The 4.12 version is more complete including the ability to import scenes that include skeletal meshes.. To try out the feature, just go to File > Import Scene, and select an FBX environment to import."