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VR Arcade game: Resistor (WIP) Thread

polycounter lvl 5
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indierocktopus polycounter lvl 5

Hi All! I'm directing an indie VR arcade game called "Resistor" The idea is American Gladiators meets Smash TV with some SHMUP type gameplay. Feedback welcome and appreciated! :) 

Platform is Gear VR (With a motion capture system) so art needs to run at 60 fps on mobile hardware, O___o Big challenge, but nice opportunity to develop a clean-minimal sci-fi techy look. 

Here's a video of the system in action with multiplayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GRAByGCR88

Top image is a concept render in maya using Redshift

/// Here's first draft of the environment in Unity. I want you to feel like you're inside a computer fending off a virus invasion. This version is a bit too literal in my opinion.

/// Version 2 Tried to simplify playing field and go a bit more VR . . . less literal computer. Starting to work on some enemy AI SHMUP patterns, I'm likely going to rearrange the space once I know more how the AI will work.

/// Reverse angle from player's perspective (The red stripes in the BG are audio responsive to the music bass)

Any tips, thoughts, or references I should look at? Lemme know! :3 



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