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portfolio and work advice

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Sarsky vertex
i heard this website is very good for recieving proffesional and industry standard crritiques so i decided to sign up.

i am an inspirign character artist who wants to do fan art and creative pieces, i am currently independantly learnign and i am doing irigging and animation studies to test a creative piece that is not in my portfolio because its a  test piece.

however during this period i would love to ask people for feedback on my 3D/2D work and what i need oto look into or maybe practice/study,even if its going back to basics since i might definitely do that.

and what might help me with my art work. i would really love to improve and be able to get a chance to do more fan work or creative pieces in a decent quality or standard.

heres my link:


load your guns and shoot your bullets at me because i am up for any advice! so long if its constructive ofcourse...

i have done 3D and 2D digitally for 2 years or so properly.


  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    You seem to mostly have what I call 'practice' pieces. While you need to show good 'finished' pieces to be employable.

    You have bunches of body part anatomy study; but none is really correct or usable in any situation. Make one full body with correct anatomy details sculpt out of it. Pose it to your heart's content.

    Johna Hex Project is the step in the right direction. Though it's still far from finished. 1. Show wireframe. 2. more details. (clothing seams, pockets, wrinkles and folds, boots, belts, straps, etc.) 3. sharper, cleaner, smoother mesh (look at mesh's collars. Compared to real cloth's collars.). What you have now is like a block-out stage. They are placeholders to get overall silhouette and what not.

  • Sarsky
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    Sarsky vertex
    thanks a lot pal, i will deifnately do a full anatomical sculpt of someone super detailed.

    also i will carry on with my johana hex project and do more detai lpal, ill lok into what you say man promise! i really apreciate your advice!
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