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Radsonne Lamp - WIP (and question)

polycounter lvl 7
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Gallamanji polycounter lvl 7
Hey everyone, so I'm working on this Radsonne Lamp at the moment, and I've just baked a normal map and AO for it, and things seem to be looking ok, theres a few clean ups but generally I'm quite happy with the progress. 

I just have one main query, and I know its a simple one but its something that I have been wondering about.

Generally the normal map and AO looks good, but when I turn the lamp to a 3 quarter view and top view, the are some noticeable jaggedy edges. I've highlighted them in these images. I know I can fix these by adding more geometry, but I'm also hesitant to add geometry because I don't want to push the poly count too much.

It's a portfolio piece and I'm always torn between showing I can produce a quality model with lowest possible polycount (that still looks good) or sacrificing by spending some more polygons but getting something much better looking.

With jaggedy issues like this, I'm never sure where to draw the line.

My model is already 3,683 tris. (and actually just noticed I haven't connected some verts on main body so actually would probably be closer to 3800 tris)

Thanks a lot! :)


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